Benefits of dry January | POPSUGAR Fitness


People cut off alcohol and participate in Dry January specifically for a number of reasons, and the results vary. For example, one of our former editors who tried it concluded that she had more energy, ended up eating better, and saved a fair amount of money. Whatever your reason – or the reasons – and whatever else you hope to gain (or lose) during that time, here are some health benefits that can come from participating in Dry January.

Benefits of Doing Dry January

Keep in mind that everyone is different. That being said, if you are someone who drinks to excess, you may experience alcohol withdrawal. “Alcohol dependence is a chronic medical condition in which excess alcohol is ingested due to an urge and inability to quit,” said Flora Sinha, MD, board certified internal medicine physician at POPSUGAR . “These patients will experience withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, diarrhea, chills and sweating if they stop suddenly.”

Plus, stopping cold turkey could have serious side effects. Delirium tremens (DT) is a severe form of alcohol withdrawal that can set in within 48 hours of stopping alcohol, psychiatrist Nzinga harrison, MD, who specializes in drug addiction medicine, told POPSUGAR. Withdrawal can progress until a person experiences disorientation, hallucinations or seizures, and this can lead to coma or even death, she said.

If you feel that you or someone you care about needs medical attention for drinking, please research it, as well as contact the support services listed at the end of this article. “If you develop tremors and diarrhea or vomiting, you need to see a doctor immediately to reduce your risk of developing TDs,” Dr. Harrison advised.

People who drink lightly to moderately would likely not experience withdrawal symptoms, and this article is for them. We spoke to a handful of experts about what reducing alcohol could do for mental and physical health, and here are a few benefits they highlighted.

Weight loss and decreased appetite

The aforementioned editor who tried Dry January lost weight by eliminating alcohol. “The easiest way to lose weight is to cut out ‘liquid calories’ that have minimal nutritional value. It’s alcohol for a lot of people, ”said Dr Sinha. Alcohol can have a negative impact on the metabolism, for example by interfering with your liver’s ability to process fat.

You may notice that you are less hungry if you take alcohol out of the equation. Dr Sinha noted that some studies suggest that alcohol may increase brain hormones that regulate appetite. She said it is important to know, however, that heavy drinkers (which she called alcoholics) have a loss of appetite “because at that point they are getting the majority of their calories from it. ‘alcohol”.

Improved sleep

“At the onset of the night, alcohol has a sedating effect, so most people will notice that they can fall asleep more easily or even pass out,” said Meredith Broderick, MD, sleep physician and three-board certified neurologist at POPSUGAR. “But once the alcohol wears off, there is a surge in the sympathetic nervous system, causing an early morning awakening or several awakenings in the latter part of the night.”

Alcohol, too, said Dr Broderick, “causes the airways to collapse more easily, so people may notice snoring, wake up short of breath, or even have a swollen uvula.” Overall, she noted, it disrupts the quality of sleep. Participating in something like the dry month of January can therefore have a positive impact on someone’s sleep.

Better skin

Samantha Ellis, MD, dermatologist and assistant professor of dermatology at UC Davis, told POPSUGAR that drinking conservative amounts of alcohol does not necessarily lead to deterioration of the health or appearance of the skin in people. without underlying skin conditions (although we know that alcohol can dehydrate your skin). She also noted that drinking in excess “can have harmful effects on several organ systems, including the skin. It can lead to the appearance of pale skin, dilated and broken blood vessels on the surface of the skin and worsening of diseases. chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema and rosacea. “

Removing alcohol can lead to other benefits for the skin, Dr. Ellis said. “We know that those who consume alcohol can make poor food choices and have trouble sleeping, both of which have a negative influence on the appearance of the skin,” she explained. “Without the sedative effect of alcohol, people may also feel more motivated to participate in healthy skin care habits, such as removing makeup before bed, performing a restorative skincare routine, and exercising. regularly.

Improved mental health

Dr Harrison said that alcohol in moderation is perfectly good for your mental health, and in some studies is even correlated with increased happiness. However, once alcohol consumption exceeds moderation, it is associated with anxiety, depression, decreased energy, irritability, and difficulty concentrating, among others. This can impact a person’s relationships and responsibilities in life, she said, which in turn can make mental health suffer even more.

“A lot of people believe that only ‘severe alcoholics’ go through this cycle,” Dr Harrison said. In reality, however, one in six American adults drinks about four times a month. “By removing alcohol from your diet, you will see improvements in mood, anxiety, focus, sleep, relationships, and often self-esteem,” she says.

“Even if you haven’t noticed any problems with your alcohol consumption, but realize that you drink more, or if you find yourself anticipating when you can pour this drink after work, or if you have a little guilt about how much you are drinking, you will benefit, ”Dr. Harrison concluded.

Longer-term benefits of eliminating alcohol

Dr Sinha said that cutting out alcohol could benefit the liver within weeks if you don’t already have liver disease. In the long term, eliminating alcohol can reduce liver damage and prevent alcoholic hepatitis or fatty liver disease (although people can get fatty liver disease without drinking alcohol). Eliminating alcohol for an extended period of time can also lower your long-term risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease, Dr Sinha added.

Drinking moderately is acceptable

Dr Sinha said that if you want to start drinking alcohol again after a dry January, moderate drinking for healthy adults usually means up to one drink per day for women and up to two drinks. per day for men. A standard drink looks like:

  • Beer: 12 fluid ounces
  • Malt liquor: 8 fluid ounces
  • Wine: 5 fluid ounces
  • Spirits or distilled liquor: 1.5 fluid ounces

If you or a loved one is showing signs of alcohol dependence or dependence, the National Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Hotline is a free, 24/7, confidential service that you can call for information and treatment. It’s 1-800-662-HELP (4357). Additionally, find other resources at


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