Beto O 'Rourke on NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem | Now that


The man who faces Ted Cruz's Senate candidate in Texas, Beto O. Rourke, brilliantly explains why NFL players kneeling in the national anthem are not disrespectful.
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Watch how this hope of the Texas Senate race, Beto O. Rourke, answers the question of an audience member regarding his stance on the protest of the national anthem, the NFL takes a knee, launched by NFL player Colin Kaepernick. Hear this speech from Beto O 'Rourke, Beto O' Rourke NFL comments on the rights of NFL players to silent and peaceful protests.

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33 thoughts on “Beto O 'Rourke on NFL players kneeling during the National Anthem | Now that”

  1. I wish I could vote in Texas. The complete articulation with which he explaines these occurrences and the correct insight he brings to the explaination are worthy of Dr' King and the hundreds of other who fought, peacefully, for the right of Americans to peacefully protest injustice, as is their Constitutionally guaranteed right. Brave Beto! Thank you.

  2. Thank you, Beto, for so respectfully and completely answering this question. I agree with your position and with the NFL players who are respectfully and peaceably taking a knee to focus American people on this issue.

  3. Watching from the UK. I have visited your fantastic country many times. I met many many great people like this. What has happened to your country? Education? DeVos! Environmental issues? Tax breaks for the wealthy at the cost of healthcare for all. Charlottesville! Caging innocent infants. It makes me very sad. Praising Putin and North Korea trashing allies and NATO. Makes the world very scared.????????????????????

  4. A whole bunch of strong sounding smart seeming nonsense. Of course a bunch of sheep will make their decision based on a video of a guy giving a pandering answer to a softball question while manipulative music plays in the background. What about the economy and social security?

  5. I am confused, very confused! What is the goal? What does he and the kneeling American millionaires want to achieve? Do they really care about the black lives, or it's all about politics?
    Is the goal: no police, or no armed police, or police has no right to stop a black person, OR WHAT?
    And let's assume the government agreed to those demands. What's next?? Would that single mother with five kids in Detroit inner city become happy? Would the innocent black children in Chicago stop being slaughtered??
    So, what is the goal? Why are those filthy rich American millionaires kneeling? Do they really care about Black lives? Does it REALLY MATTER to them??

  6. the biggest irony of this debate is no Vetereans and active duty members I came accross are offended by the players protesting police brutallity by kneeling for the National Anthem (notice that I DID NOT say they are protesting the National Anthem).

    But its the guys who never served or a guy who dodged the draft that is "offended."

  7. Ghetto Beto's platform – keep blacks in poverty. flood Texas will illegal mexicans who take your jobs. Confiscate the money you earned via taxes under threat of imprisonmemt.

    It's almost as if Californians flooded Texas, fleeing broken leftist shithole California only to vote in the same policies that destroyed California in the first place.

    It is time to kill all leftists with violent prejudice.

  8. My vote it’s yours in this election and I hope all my Texans brothers and sisters will vote for you too . The change of Texas is here and that is absolutely Beto. Change that’s not happen it’s own we have to make it happen #betoforTexas

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