Bevin admits that he sent his 9 children to a chickenpox festival instead of vaccinating – Memo of Discussion Points


Kentucky's governor, Matt Bevin (right), admitted in an interview with a local radio show that instead of vaccinating his children against the chickenpox virus, he had sent them all the nine at a neighbor's, whose children were already infected.

"All my kids had chickenpox," Bevin said in an interview with Kentucky's WKCT, according to the local Courier Journal. "They had chickenpox on purpose because we found a neighbor who had it, and I made sure all my children were exposed to chicken pox and they had it. They had it like children. They were miserable for a few days and they all did well.

The method of exposing children to the virus instead of vaccinating them is an essential part of the anti-vaxxer movement. Experts cautioned that the method was dangerous and that the vaccine would reduce the risk of shingles later in life.

"And I think, why do we force kids to get it?" Said Bevin. "If you're worried about your child catching chicken pox or anything else, get him vaccinated … But for some people and some parents, for whatever reason, they choose otherwise. It's America. The federal government should not impose this on the people. They just should not. "


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