Biden administration restarts expedited deportation flights


The Department of Homeland Security said in a statement Friday that it had restarted flights accelerating the return of families to Central America.

DHS said it resumed flights for “some families recently arrived at the southern border, cannot be deported under Title 42 and have no legal basis to stay in the United States.”

The department said it had started returning families to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, and said it was “a legal way to safely manage our border.”

“This is a step towards our larger goal of achieving safe and orderly immigration processing. By placing in expedited removal families who cannot be deported under Title 42, we are making it clear that those who do not qualify to stay in the United States will be promptly returned, ”DHS said.

According to the Washington Post, officials in the Biden administration said on Monday that flights to bring families back to Central America would resume soon after officials saw an increase in the number of crossings to Rio Grande Valley in South Texas this month. -this.

The outlet said the increased spread of the delta coronavirus variant along the country’s southern border and into Texas has increased pressure for officials to restart flights.

The Post reported, however, that the spread of the coronavirus has made it difficult for flights to resume, as many families due to return to their countries either tested positive for COVID-19 or were exposed to someone who tested positive for the virus. , according to DHS officials the Post spoke to.

Of the 147 adults and children who were scheduled to depart Brownsville, Texas on two flights, only 73 people actually left the country, the Post reported.

DHS officials told the Post that most of the migrants who were on return flights were single adults who returned negative COVID-19 tests.


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