Biden chooses Obama communications director to lead confirmation team: report


President elect Joe bidenJoe Biden 46% of voters say Trump should give in immediately: Michigan County poll reverses course, votes unanimously to certify election results GOP Senator: Trump shouldn’t fire top cybersecurity official enlisted former White House communications director Jen Psaki to lead Senate confirmation battles, Politico reported Wednesday.

Senate control will come down to two rounds in January in Georgia, with Democrats achieving a 50-50 split at best. As a result, the new Biden administration could face a series of battles as Biden appoints his cabinet.

Reema Dodin, who is the floor manager for the Senate Minority Whip Dick durbinControversial Dick DurbinTrump Fed Candidate Blocked After Senate Setback Democratic Senators Urge Facebook to Take Action Against Anti-Muslim Bigotry Democrats Seek to Refine message after Senate setback (D-Ill.), Will serve in a similar capacity on legislative fights, according to Politico.

Biden’s team are set to expand their “war room” next week, adding a combination of campaign staff and Capitol Hill volunteers.

The team is also reportedly considering mounting public relations offensives for Cabinet nominees, introducing them to America as a whole ahead of Senate hearings to increase their public support.

Biden has touted his ability to work on the other side and negotiate with Republicans, but publicly opposing his nominations will also likely be an early hearing for GOP 2024 hopefuls in the chamber, Politico notes.

Psaki, who currently works as a senior transition adviser at Biden, has repeatedly sounded the alarm over the Trump administration’s refusal to allow access to documents relating to national security and the coronavirus pandemic .

“We are not interested in a food fight with the [General Services Administration] administrator, or anyone really, we just want to have access to intelligence information, threat assessments and ongoing work on Covid, so that we can prepare to govern, bring the American people together and bring the pandemic under control, ” Psaki told CNBC last week.

A Biden transition official told The Hill that the president-elect’s team “ operated with the belief that the Senate would come under significant pressure from the public and voters across the country – as well as their allies in business and in Washington – – act on economic and public health crises, confirm nominees and rebuild federal agencies with knowledgeable officials. ”

–Updated at 9:44 am


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