What’s new in the sky November 15-21 :: WRAL.com


Four astronauts are about to embark for the International Space Station from Cape Canaveral aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule this evening at 7:27 p.m.

Space Force forecasters from 45 Weather Squadron see a 50/50 chance of favorable weather conditions for launch tonight. They will be watching for storms that develop in central Florida on Sunday evening. Forecasters are also monitoring measurements of the electrical potential of the atmosphere from field factories scattered across Cape Town. The readings throughout the day seem encouraging.

Live coverage of the launch as it prepares is available on NASA TV.

From Tuesday November 17 to Wednesday

The Leonid meteor shower peaks overnight. It is expected that 10 to 12 meteors per hour will be visible from a dark place. The thin crescent moon and crescent will provide favorable conditions.

The best time to look will be in the hours leading up to sunrise when the radiating point of the constellation Leo is at the highest point in the sky. This radiating point is found inside the backward formation of question marks that make up the head of the constellation Leo. Venus will be low on the horizon below.

Meteors can appear in any part of the sky, so watch the darker part. It might not be near Leo.

Leonid meteor shower peaks on the morning of November 18

Wednesday 17th November

The North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences has a number of virtual events for all ages, each offered virtually.

  • 11:00 am: Explore the mysteries of the Mesozoic. Join paleo detectives as they uncover fossils, footprints, and other clues to our planet’s prehistoric past during the natural science classroom event. Free registration is required.

  • 13h00-15h30: Dr. Gina-Maria Pomann Director of Duke Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design (BERD) will speak at the STEM Carreeer Showcase museum with a focus on students with disabilities. Free registration is required.

  • 7:00 p.m .: Virtual quiz on Tuesdays. Free registration is required.

Thursday November 18

The International Space Station will rise from the southwest at 6:13 p.m. passing sharply to the east before darkening as it passes into Earth’s shadow in the east.

Thursday 19 November

After sunset, look for the Moon to meet Saturn and Jupiter to be joined by the crescent moon separated by a few degrees. The Moon, Jupiter and Saturn line up the night before.

Look for Saturn and Jupiter to be joined by the Moon on November 19

Friday November 20

The International Space Station will rise from the southwest at 6:15 p.m., passing over the light as it passes into Earth’s shadow in the northeast. It will gain in brightness throughout the pass.

Friday November 21

The International Space Station will rise from the southwest at 5:27 p.m. passing to the right of Saturn and Jupiter before settling on the northeast horizon.

Look ahead

The alpha-monocerotid meteor shower peaks on Sunday evening. It is usually a weak shower but has produced explosions in recent years. A penumbra lunar eclipse will occur in the early morning of November 30.


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