Biden vs Jr. Senior Student Council | News, Sports, Jobs


For the publisher:

Since January 20, 2021, we have seen the damage done by a president who would have won more votes than anyone in history. Student councils are generally headed by duly elected members and overseen by a mentally functional adult.

A junior high school student council has more credibility than the current administration, as the incredible decrees show:

• Closure of an almost completed pipeline. (One in his own administration said that pipelines are safer and more efficient than any other means.)

• Construction of a southern border wall nearing completion closed, even though funds were already approved and we are paying millions to keep the project safe.

• Urging OPEC to produce more energy. Compare that to the last year of the Trump presidency, when we exported energy. Have you noticed the skyrocketing energy costs along with most of everything we buy ??

• The “to success”evacuation in Afghanistan. Another instance where an adult in the room, listening to advisers who actually knew about the threat months ago, would have started the process months ago when we had boots on the ground.

Laughable is the only thing that comes to mind when Biden’s team say the refugees are being carefully vetted.

Unless you get the news from MTV or SNL, does anyone know how much high tech military equipment was left with the Taliban?

Certainly, many vehicles and planes would have been rendered unusable, but the hundreds of thousands of weapons and millions of rounds of ammunition will be used against us at some point. Interviews with former Afghan war veterans were livid with anger at the thousands of night vision goggles left behind.

Remember the porous invasion of the southern border allows almost anyone to cross, who knows how many are the Taliban?

I could go on and fill a whole page, but space is limited.

Dan Markell


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