“ Big Mail ” Takes New Approach to Transforming Email with Native Apps for iOS and Mac Plus


An upcoming new email client called Big Mail is preparing to roll out its beta to early adopters. Like many email apps before it, Big Mail’s goal is to reinvent email and remove the weak spots. While that’s a tall order, looking at the drastically different approach to the UI and how useful and precise it could be, Big Mail could be on to something.

We have seen many email clients adopt automatic categorization of different types of emails such as newsletters, work, staff, etc. But Big Mail combines that with a completely redesigned interface. Here is the developer’s pitch:

Big Mail works with your existing email address and in seconds turns it into something cleaner, quieter, and dare we say: fun. It works on your Mac, iPhone and iPad.

It reminds me if you’ve mixed up your emails with Big Sur’s Finder, a modernized version of Apple’s old Front Row media app, and maybe something like Flipboard. There’s also a traditional email view that most would be used to, but still has a modern Big Sur aesthetic. But Big Mail is betting that users will love the new automatic interfaces it calls “Scenes”.

Scenes automatically provide users with different user interfaces for different types of emails like newsletters, purchases, files, notifications, etc.

Big Mail isn’t available just yet, but registrations are open and it looks like the company is planning to offer native Mac and iOS apps.

Take a look at the images below and you can sign up for the beta here.

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