Bills did not ask LeSean McCoy to take a pay cut – ProFootballTalk


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It's no surprise that the Bills eliminated midfielder LeSean McCoy. It's a surprise that they did it without trying to make him take a pay cut.

According to a source familiar with the situation, McCoy's release is "out of the left field", without the team attempting to make him take less money.

McCoy was to earn $ 6.175 million in 2019, the last year of his contract with the Bills. And the possibility of McCoy being released was mentioned, especially when rookie Devin Singletary started recruiting first team representatives.

Indeed, something has changed since July. That's where Bills G.M. Brandon Beane said, "I think LeSean can still play. Otherwise, we would have made the decision to continue. "

We know if the Bills tried to trade McCoy. However, it is unlikely that anyone will have received his salary, which would require a reduction. The Bills may have simply decided, based on their knowledge of McCoy, that he would not accept any type of wage reduction.

McCoy will still be worth $ 2.875 million in maximum space, due to the proportional bonus and his off-season training bonus. But the Bills created in one fell swoop $ 6.175 million that could be used elsewhere.

In 14 games last year, McCoy won just 514 yards and averaged only 3.2 yards per run.


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