BioWare is still "100% committed" in Anthem, but players have doubts


Many of BioWare's titles on Anthem have evolved into other projects, but the studio said it was still determined to support its struggling loot shooter. However, the very prominent players of the Anthem team have worried many players that BioWare is looking to reduce its losses with the game and is focusing on the next big title, which is probably a new Dragon Age game.

A report in VG 24/7 indicates that Anthem's executive producer Mark Darrah and lead producer Michael Gamble have been transferred to other projects with BioWare. Darrah hinted on Twitter that he was working on Dragon Age 4 (a game that has itself been put on the ice to make way for Anthem), but it is unclear exactly how the studio has revamped his talent. Gamble told his fans that he did not want Anthem "anthem," but he also directed them to Anthem's chief producer, Ben Irving, and live-service manager, Chad Robertson, as sources of information. more recent information about the game.

Regardless of the staffing situation at BioWare, many Anthem fans are in a bad mood. While browsing through the game's sub game, you'll discover post-message, lamenting what they now see as a "dead" game, or imploring BioWare to repair Anthem before moving on to the new Dragon Age title.

"Seriously, does anyone else get fed up with it? [BioWare] are you working on another title instead of using their resources to fix the game we have already paid? "Asks a publisher.

Of course, BioWare-sized studios regularly work on several projects simultaneously, with different teams managing different games according to a long-term overall business plan and a development schedule. Robertson appealed to Twitter to reassure players that BioWare still has an active team on Anthem that is working on new elements for the game.

"[W]We have a great team between Austin and Edmonton focused and motivated to improve the game, "said Robertson. in a follow-up. "We appreciate your support and your participation in this trip with us."

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BioWare has temporarily suspended its new content distribution schedule for Anthem. As a result, content such as the weekly Stronghold and Cataclysms challenges will not be released in the near future. The studio announces that it will focus on "fixing bugs, stability and gameplay" before adding new content to Anthem – but Robertson and Irving absolutely insist that the game still benefits full BioWare support.

The question is: will the players stay to find out for sure?

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