Bishop of the Church of England: If the vaccine is good for the Queen, it is good for everyone | Royal | News


Rt Rev Rose Hudson-Wilkin has joined forces to address concerns about vaccines in black and minority ethnic communities. She urged the country to follow the lead of the Queen, who was vaccinated on January 9. Ms Hudson-Wilkin, who served as chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons before becoming Bishop of Dover, said: The opportunity to get yourself Covid vaccinated, I want you to take it. There are distracting voices in our black and minority ethnic communities that sow doubt and alarm …

“These vaccines offer us a path through the pandemic, giving us hope, strength and the chance for safety. If the vaccine was good enough for Her Majesty, then it is good enough for us.

The bishop is part of the Give Hope campaign, which encourages people to talk about vaccines with their neighbors.

Pastor Agu Irukwu, who heads the Jesus House mega-church in London, said: “Our message is to encourage our congregations to take the vaccines and to provide information that comforting and answers the many questions, legitimate questions, that are raised in a number of cases. … We have certainly seen a change, as more and more people feel comfortable and, therefore, agree to be vaccinated.

The Royal Society for Public Health reported in December that 76% of the public would take a Covid-19 vaccine, but only 57% of those from black, Asian and minority backgrounds (BAMEs) were likely to accept a vaccine.

Give Hope is an initiative of YourNeighbour, a movement of 1,100 churches launched in response to the epidemic.

Co-founder Russ Rook said: “By helping to communicate directly with hard-to-reach groups that might be missing, by facilitating clear and friendly conversations with some who may be reluctant, and by providing hands-on support to those in need. , British churches play a vital role. role in the recovery of our country after Covid-19. “


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