Bizarre Scarlet Nexus Shadow Glitch is fixed


A line of anime-style characters walk towards the camera on a ruined street.

Screenshot: Bandai Namco

A recent Scarlet Nexus The update revealed that Bandai Namco’s sleek action RPG does not render shadows of characters and enemies on PC if played in multiple languages ​​other than English. Even the greatest video games are technical marvels held together by hopes, dreams, and duct tape, but it takes the cake.

While the patch notes do not go into details about the languages ​​that have been affected, Scarlet Nexus the players discussed the issue on the game’s Steam forums since its launch on June 25. Savvy gamers eventually provided a workaround that made shadows work in French, Italian, and German by adding a simple text string at Scarlet Nexus‘Launch options.

Kotaku contacted Bandai Namco for more information but did not receive a response until publication.

Watch Scarlet Nexus videos from the last few weeks, it is clear that the shadow bug has not only affected the PC version but also the versions on Playstation 4, Playstation 5, and Xbox x series. And from what I can tell, the problem only manifested itself after a certain point in the game, as shadows can clearly be seen in the footage of Scarlet Nexusopening moments. That said, until we get more details from Bandai Namco, it’s hard to pin down the scope and scale of the problem.

Oddly enough, the shadows are definitely intact in the images. Scarlet Nexus uses for in-game tutorial pop-ups, then reverting to shadowless gameplay moments later. It’s one of those things that might not have been immediately noticeable next to the RPG’s fast and smooth combat, but now comes out like a sore thumb.

This graphic quirk also gained traction on Twitter after the update was released on July 7. thank you to the francophone yaoilowell (big name, by the way), who joked that the bug was correct since people in France do not cast shadows in real life. The jury is still out on that one, but at least the problem has been rectified in Scarlet Nexus. No more pretending everyone in the game is a vampire if you don’t play in English.


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