"Black hole" created in the laboratory confirms Stephen Hawking's radiation theory


Scientists have created a black hole analogue that traps the sound by discovering the evidence of Hawking's radiation. Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts black holes, describing them as objects with a gravitational force so powerful that even light can not escape. However, Hawking hypothesized that black holes could emit a small stream of heat radiation.

Recently, Israeli researchers at the Institute of Technology Technion have created their own black hole. Since they do not yet have instruments capable of monitoring the radiation around the black hole, scientists have used a quantum material called Bose-Einstein condensate of ultra-cold rubidium atoms.

Similar to a black hole, the created material has a "point of no return", except that instead of consuming light, the material affects the sound. The speed of sound is faster on the denser side, so sound waves move in all directions from the transition point. Once they reach a less dense side where the speed of sound is slower, they only move in one direction in the "black hole".

"Black hole" created in the laboratory confirmed Stephen Hawking's radiation theory

Another observation in line with Hawkins' theory is the 0.35 billion Kelvin of sound waves falling into the black hole.
If new studies prove that Hawking radiation will eventually occur in the real world, it will lead to another problem known as the black hole information paradox. This paradox is a puzzle resulting from the combination of general relativity and quantum mechanics.

Calculations suggest that physical information could permanently disappear into the black hole, which constitutes a violation of the principle that the value of a wave function of a physical system at a given time must determine its value at any other time.

According to the author and physicist of the study, Jeff Steinhauer, of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology: "The solution to the paradox of information lies in the physics of a true black hole, and not in the physics of a black analog hole. "


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