Black hole: theories revolve around the "discovery" of the black hole "physically impossible" | Science | New


A black hole is an extreme region of space-time with a gravitational acceleration so powerful that nothing – even light – can escape. At present, gravitational wave detectors LIGO and Virgo would have observed the signal of a black hole of a huge mass. The detection of a gravitational wave is supposed to be the result of a cosmic collision involving a black hole of an extraordinary size – supposedly weighing up to 100 suns.

However, scientists at LIGO Virgo have so far refused to confirm or deny the supposed detection, considered physically impossible.

Professor Stan Woosley, an astrophysicist at the University of California, told Quanta Magazine: "The prediction is not a black hole, not even a few" in this mass range.

"But of course, we know that nature often finds a way."

Physicists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem understood in 1967 that a dying star nucleus would not collapse by gravity into a very heavy black hole.

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Instead, the star will experience a "pair instability supernova," an explosion capable of annihilating it almost immediately.

A pair-instability supernova occurs when the nucleus becomes so hot that the light transforms into electron-positron pairs.

The radiation pressure of the light had kept the core of the star intact; When light turns into matter, the resulting pressure drop causes the nucleus to shrink rapidly and warm up, accelerating pair production and causing a domino effect.

Eventually, the core becomes so hot that the oxygen ignites, which reverses the core's implosion.

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For nuclei whose mass is about 65 to 130 times that of the sun, the star will be totally destroyed.

Kernels located between about 50 and 65 solar masses pulsate, losing mass during a succession of explosions until they fall below the range where the energy is generated. Pair instability occurs.

This means that there should be no black holes with masses in the range of 50 to 130-solar mass.

Black holes may exist on the other side of the mass gap, weighing more than 130 solar masses, because the rapid implosion of such heavy star nuclei can not be stopped, but continues to collapse and form black holes.

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However, as stars lose their mass throughout their life, a star weighing at least 300 suns must be born to become a nucleus of 130 solar mass, and those of this size are rare.

For this reason, most experts have assumed that the maximum size of black holes detected by LIGO and Virgo would be 50 solar masses, the lower end of the mass gap.

The supermassive black holes of a solar mass of a million and billions, anchoring the centers of galaxies formed by a different process in the nascent universe.

LIGO and Virgo are unable to detect collisions of such supermassive black holes.


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