Black Ops Cold War Day 1 patch notes for November 13: movement, weapons, more


In the Black Ops Cold War Day 1 patch notes, Treyarch revealed changes to the new Scorestreak system following player feedback.

In the Cold War, Scorestreaks do not reset on death. Rather than having to earn a Scorestreak in a single life, points stay on death and accumulate throughout the match. Kill streaks multiply the score earned, so that a high end kill streak can be achieved by either a 15 kill streak or a 5 or 6 kill streak.

Players and Treyarch agreed that with this system, low-end Scorestreaks were too easy to win and those high-end Scorestreaks too difficult. Treyarch said: “Even the best players struggled to reach the top scores.”

For the full launch of Black Ops Cold War on November 13, Treyarch has revised the Scorestreak system. Here’s a breakdown of the changes.

Winning rate

With the previous system working, many players were earning low-end Scorestreaks like Spy Plane and Counter Spy Plane around the same time. This meant that for the duration of a match, low-end Scorestreaks were constantly spammed.

Treyarch recognized this and adjusted the win rate so that low-end Scorestreaks weren’t called out as often.

While low-end killstreaks were too easy to earn, high-end killstreaks such as the Chopper Gunner were too difficult.

Treyarch “increased the score bonus thresholds to 10 and 15 winning streaks to make high streaks more rewarding and to help increase the score towards higher scores. High win streaks will now be more effective in helping to earn high score.

Scorestreaks cost has also been adjusted, although no details on the new values ​​have been released.

To further reduce Scorestreak spam and to “allow more interesting player choices and strategy,” Treyarch has added a variant to Scorestreak cooldowns. It looks like different Scorestreaks will now have individual cooldowns.

Other adjustments

As a result of beta feedback, other minor tweaks have been made to how Scorestreaks works in Cold War.

Attack helicopter and Chopper Gunner have been modified. Treyarch has “increased attack helicopter damage from 5 hits to 3 hits” and “slightly reduced Chopper Gunner duration and damage.”

Players can now see a numeric value for the additional score they need to use their equipped Scorestreaks. Cursor speed and player visibility have been improved on the Scorestreak tablet.

Work to earn Scorestreaks yourself when Black Ops Cold War launches tomorrow, November 13th.

Source: Treyarch


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