BMW X5 designer reviews new 2 Series coupe


BMW has been in the news constantly with its recent designs over the past few months. Since the arrival of the last M4 / M3 duo, people have been complaining about the evolution of the exterior design of the new Bimmers. Former BMW designer Frank Stephenson (designer of the original BMW X5) has been one of the most vocal critics of the new kidney grilles, and he has a lot to say about the new 2 Series.

In a new 13-minute video on his Youtube canal, the famous car designer begins by congratulating the German company for not putting oversized grilles on the new coupe. Its enthusiasm is quickly scalded by the fact that the front fascia of the new 2 Series is just plain bland, and if you remove the grilles you wouldn’t even recognize it as a BMW.

“The headlights are quite strange. The front end, as I study it, slowly begins to disintegrate in my eyes. And I’m looking at a headlight that’s completely different in language from the lower vent below, as well as the grille, as well as the lower grille, as well as the hood, ”says Stephenson.

If that sounds a bit too harsh on your ears, wait for Stephenson to give his overall conclusion on the front-end design. In short, he doesn’t even want to “fix” the problem “because you just have to start from scratch.” One thing he likes, however, is the greenhouse – “it’s a BMW,” he says, pointing to a certain BMW coupe from the past designed by Giorgetto Giugiaro.

Want more? Stephenson even calls the hood of the car “cartoonish” because, in his eyes, it is far too long for a small coupe. “I think the proportions of this car are definitely shifted in the direction that this front wheel has to come back.”

It’s certainly one of the strongest opinions we’ve heard about BMW’s new design language. We would love to hear your voice as well, so let us know what you think of the new Series 2 in the comments section below.

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