Borderlands 3 could include another box of a psychopath with three pistols


"Believe me, we understood"

A joke not to be missed when it comes to Borderlands 3 This is how Gearbox could possibly create a pocket where a three-armed Psycho pointed his three-fingered machine gun. L & # 39; original Borderlands had an iconic box where a villain was pointing his fingers at his head and blew the art to the other side; the following shot the same turn but with two guns. The natural evolution is that of the three-fingered gun in the third game.

This is not the case, however. Instead, the Borderlands 3 The art of the box has a religious penchant, showing a Divine Psycho sitting on top of a throne of rifles. The abandonment of finger guns was however not due to lack of testing. We recently interviewed Gearbox senior producer Anthony Nicholson and confirmed that the art team had proposed ideas that would continue the theme of the finger gun. "There have been a few iterations of this kind, "said Nicholson, but will we ever see it? It can go up to 2K, "he says.

Game Informer thought to ask the same question by addressing Artistic Director Scott Kester, who gave a more detailed answer. "Believe me, we understood it. I'm trying to get it as an alternative hedge, maybe we can throw one as Naked gun nice. We did a lot. But honestly, we thought this game had to change a bit of speed, so we thought[the[tea[la[theBorderlands 3 art]was the way to do it, "said Kester.

If a start is what Gearbox thought he needed, that's what he got. But, we have to see what this three-armed Psycho looked like, even if it's not the case. Borderlands 3is the official art. It is an issue of public interest at this point.

The Artistic Director of Borderlands 3 confirms that he did try to achieve a box art with a three-handed psycho [Game Informer]

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