Both scientific ways to improve our images of the event horizon


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The most viewed black hole, shown in the movie Interstellar, shows quite precisely the horizon of the events planned for a very specific class of rotating black holes. The first image revealed by the Event Horizon telescope was at a much lower resolution than this visualization, but we may be able to access such details in the future.

Interstellar / R. Hurt / Caltech

To solve any astronomical object, you must reach resolutions larger than the apparent size of your target.

Shredded materials accumulate in a black hole, are absorbed or expelled and can reform relatively quickly into planetary mass objects. In order to solve the "hole" at the center of this gas, the number of wavelengths that can adapt to the diameter of your telescope must correspond to a resolution sharper than the apparent angular size of the "hole" itself. -even.

B. Saxton (NRAO / AUI / NSF) / G. Tremblay et al./NASA/ESA Hubble / ALMA (ESO / NAOJ / NRAO)

The largest black holes, seen from Earth, have & nbsp; event horizons limited to dozens of microarcseconds (μas) of angular size.

The first image published by the Horizon telescope of events reached a resolution of 22.5 microarcseconds, which allowed the network to resolve the black hole event horizon at the center of M87. A telescope with a satellite dish should be 12,000 km in diameter to get the same sharpness.

Collaboration with Horizon Telescope

The resolution of a telescope, meanwhile, is fundamentally determined by the number of wavelengths of light that fit on its physical diameter.

This composite image of a region of the far universe (top left) uses Hubble's optical (upper right) and near-infrared (lower left) data, as well as data far infrared (bottom right) of Spitzer. The Spitzer Space Telescope is almost as big as Hubble: more than a third of its diameter, but the wavelengths it probes are so much longer that its resolution is much worse. This is the number of wavelengths that correspond to the diameter of the primary mirror that determines the resolution.

NASA / JPL-Caltech / ESA

We can & nbsp; exceed this limit by operating a range of telescopes, using the technique of interferometry at very long base.

The Atacama Large Millimeter / Large submillimeter array, photographed with magellanic clouds above. A large number of dishes close to each other, as part of ALMA, makes it possible to bring out the finest details at lower resolutions, while a smaller number of dishes more distant helps to solve the details of the most important places. luminous. The addition of ALMA to the Event Horizon telescope helped to build an image of the event horizon.

ESO / C. Malin

By properly equipping and calibrating each participating telescope, the resolution accelerates and replaces the diameter of an individual telescope by the maximum separation distance of the array.

This diagram shows the location of all telescopes and their networks used in the observations of the M87 Event Horizon 2017 telescope. Only the South Pole telescope has not been able to image M87 because it is located in the wrong part of the Earth never to see the center of this galaxy. Each of these places is equipped with an atomic clock, among other amenities.


At & nbsp; the Horizon telescope of the event maximum reference and wavelength capabilitieshe & nbsp; will reach resolutions of ~ 15 μs: an improvement of 33% compared to the first observations.

All these images of the same target were taken with the same telescope (Hubble), but their wavelength increases as you move from left to right. That's why they have higher resolutions and sharper left. The leftmost images also have a higher frequency as well as a shorter wavelength; in the radio part of the spectrum, frequency is often spoken rather than wavelength, for essentially historical reasons.

NASA, ESA and D. Maoz (Tel Aviv University and Columbia University)

Currently limited to & nbsp;345 GHzwe could search & nbsp; higher radio frequencies, such as 1 to 1.6 THz, progressing & nbsp; our resolution at only ~ 3 to 5 μas.

This photo shows the Russian space radio telescope Spektr-R (RadioAstron) in the integration and testing complex of launch pad 31 of the Baikonur Space Center. It is currently our largest and most powerful radio telescope of space. If we equipped such a set of telescopes with the equipment needed to synchronize them with the rest of the Event Horizon telescope, we could extend our baseline to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

RIA Novosti Archives, image # 930415 / Oleg Urusov / CC-BY-SA 3.0

But the biggest improvement would come from extending our network of radio telescopes into space.

Earth-Moon distances, as indicated, to scale, relative to the sizes of the Earth and the Moon. That's what it looks like if the Moon is about 60 Earth's rays: the first "astronomical" distance ever determined, over 2000 years ago. Note how long the Earth-Moon distance would give us compared to the simple diameter of the Earth.

Nickshanks by Wikimedia Commons

Equipping them with fast atomic clocks and downlinks for the data could expand our baseline to the size of the Moon's orbit.

When the material is eaten by a black hole, it heats up and emits radiation in a variety of wavelengths. While our first black hole event horizon image came from an observation at a frequency of 230 GHz and with a baseline of about 12,000 km, higher frequencies and longer baselines could potentially lead to images as sharp as this artist's artwork.

NASA / JPL-Caltech

With improvements in both frequency and base, we could reach a resolution of ~ 0.05 & μs & nbsp; that is 440 times sharper than our first event horizon image.

In April 2017, the 8 telescopes / telescope networks associated with the Event Horizon telescope pointed to Messier 87. Here's what a supermassive black hole looks like, where the horizon of events is clearly visible. Only through VLBI could we get the resolution needed to build such an image, but there is potential to improve it one day & nbsp; to be a hundred times sharper.

Event Collaboration Horizon Telescope et al.

Mostly Mute Monday tells a scientific story in images, images and 200 words maximum. Speak less; mouse more.


The most viewed black hole, shown in the movie Interstellar, shows quite precisely the horizon of the events planned for a very specific class of rotating black holes. The first image revealed by the Event Horizon telescope was at a much lower resolution than this visualization, but we may be able to access such details in the future.

Interstellar / R. Hurt / Caltech

To solve any astronomical object, you must reach resolutions larger than the apparent size of your target.

Shredded materials accumulate in a black hole, are absorbed or expelled and can reform relatively quickly into planetary mass objects. In order to solve the "hole" at the center of this gas, the number of wavelengths that can adapt to the diameter of your telescope must correspond to a resolution sharper than the apparent angular size of the "hole" itself. -even.

B. Saxton (NRAO / AUI / NSF) / G. Tremblay et al./NASA/ESA Hubble / ALMA (ESO / NAOJ / NRAO)

The largest black holes, seen from Earth, have event horizons simply tens of microarcseconds (μas) of angular size.

The first image published by the Horizon telescope of events reached a resolution of 22.5 microarcseconds, which allowed the network to resolve the black hole event horizon at the center of M87. A telescope with a satellite dish should be 12,000 km in diameter to get the same sharpness.

Collaboration with Horizon Telescope

The resolution of a telescope, meanwhile, is fundamentally determined by the number of wavelengths of light that fit on its physical diameter.

This composite image of a region of the far universe (top left) uses Hubble's optical (upper right) and near-infrared (lower left) data, as well as data far infrared (bottom right) of Spitzer. The Spitzer Space Telescope is almost as big as Hubble: more than a third of its diameter, but the wavelengths it probes are so much longer that its resolution is much worse. This is the number of wavelengths that correspond to the diameter of the primary mirror that determines the resolution.

NASA / JPL-Caltech / ESA

We can exceed this limit by operating a set of telescopes, using the technique of very long base interferometry.

The Atacama Large Millimeter / Large submillimeter array, photographed with magellanic clouds above. A large number of dishes close to each other, as part of ALMA, makes it possible to bring out the finest details at lower resolutions, while a smaller number of dishes more distant helps to solve the details of the most important places. luminous. The addition of ALMA to the Event Horizon telescope helped to build an image of the event horizon.

ESO / C. Malin

By properly equipping and calibrating each participating telescope, the resolution increases, thus replacing the diameter of an individual telescope by the maximum separation distance of the network.

This diagram shows the location of all telescopes and their networks used in the observations of the M87 Event Horizon 2017 telescope. Only the South Pole telescope has not been able to image M87 because it is located in the wrong part of the Earth never to see the center of this galaxy. Each of these places is equipped with an atomic clock, among other amenities.


With the maximum capabilities of the Horizon Event Telescope, it will reach resolutions of about 15 μs, a 33% improvement over first observations.

All these images of the same target were taken with the same telescope (Hubble), but their wavelength increases as you move from left to right. That's why they have higher resolutions and sharper left. The leftmost images also have a higher frequency as well as a shorter wavelength; in the radio part of the spectrum, frequency is often spoken rather than wavelength, for essentially historical reasons.

NASA, ESA and D. Maoz (Tel Aviv University and Columbia University)

Currently limited to 345 GHz, we could look for higher radio frequencies, such as 1 to 1.6 THz, advancing our resolution by only 3 to 5 μa.

This photo shows the Russian space radio telescope Spektr-R (RadioAstron) in the integration and testing complex of launch pad 31 of the Baikonur Space Center. It is currently our largest and most powerful radio telescope of space. If we equipped such a set of telescopes with the equipment needed to synchronize them with the rest of the Event Horizon telescope, we could extend our baseline to hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

RIA Novosti Archives, image # 930415 / Oleg Urusov / CC-BY-SA 3.0

But the biggest improvement would come from the extension of our network of radio telescopes into space.

Earth-Moon distances, as indicated, to scale, relative to the sizes of the Earth and the Moon. That's what it looks like if the Moon is about 60 Earth's rays: the first "astronomical" distance ever determined, over 2000 years ago. Note how long the Earth-Moon distance would give us compared to the simple diameter of the Earth.

Nickshanks by Wikimedia Commons

Equipping them with fast atomic clocks and downlinks for the data could expand our baseline to the size of the Moon's orbit.

When the material is eaten by a black hole, it heats up and emits radiation in a variety of wavelengths. While our first black hole event horizon image came from an observation at a frequency of 230 GHz and with a baseline of about 12,000 km, higher frequencies and longer baselines could potentially lead to images as sharp as this artist's artwork.

NASA / JPL-Caltech

With improvements in both frequency and baseline, we could reach a resolution of about 0.05 μs, which is 440 times sharper than our first event horizon image. .

In April 2017, the 8 telescopes / telescope networks associated with the Event Horizon telescope pointed to Messier 87. Here's what a supermassive black hole looks like, where the horizon of events is clearly visible. It is only through VLBI that we could get the resolution needed to build such an image, but it can be improved one day to be hundreds of times more accurate.

Event Collaboration Horizon Telescope et al.

Mostly Mute Monday tells a scientific story in images, images and 200 words maximum. Speak less; mouse more.


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