2018 World Cup: accumulation in France against Belgium, more in England – live! | Soccer


Meanwhile, if you wake up across mainland Europe, there have been some interesting developments on the transfer of world football with Manchester City and Barcelona. It's a very busy guy, that Pep Guardiola, as our antipode followers of this blog will note, made his appearance in the training facilities of the sister-club / franchise Melbourne City this week for the greatest pleasure of fans and players

Speaking of football, the mission to bring in Australia the old legend of Atlético and Liverpool, Fernando Torres, failed. Who would have thought that the United States could have proved a somewhat larger drawcard.

The Spanish Football Federation also quickly moved Lopetegui-gate, with the announcement of its new manager:

And, look, while we Jack Wilshere has finalized his departure from the club that he called home for 17 years (65% of his life). All the best, Jack's supporters, England, I imagine that I look forward to rebuilding your career.

And where do we imagine that the match keys will be? 19659005] The fast pace of Kylian Mbappé immediately raises questions about the defense of Belgium – Jan Vertonghen, Toby Alderweireld and Vincent Kompany will they be fair against the early teenager? There are squeaky legs, not to mention Kompany's well-documented history of fitness, especially with the tight schedules of the tournaments.

As David Hytner mentioned (see above) with Thomas Meunier suspended, Martínez could be forced to shuffle who could see Nacer Chadli are the right rear wing. Could the French target it in the same way that the Belgians have identified Brazil's right of third choice, Fagner, as the loose link?

It's just some options to ruminate; your thoughts on others?

The prediction is necessarily a mug game, but you know, the more I think about this game, the less I'm sure of the way it's going to go unfold.

What do you think? Send me your email tips, but most importantly, the reasoning behind these – and I'll throw my red pen on them (with comments like "need to quote").

We did a lot of the impressive tactical work of Roberto Martínez on Brazil (although it will remind you, the tactics are as good as the execution of the players, just ask Andres Villas Boas)

Is the wily man of Swansea more in the locker of his department than his counterpart Didier Deschamps, perhaps?

David Hytner has pretty glimpses of the "battle in the battle" that delights football anoraks and men-who-still-play football-born around the world: [19659021] Updated

Keith Forbes is at the very early doorstep:

My 14-year-old son, Julian, coined the phrase "Battle of the Fries "for Belgium v ​​France I think it's smart enough

Ah, yes, Keith, but we all think our children are exceptional

Ha I do not mind to be fair.Hat, Julian.Now, do not start a Nuremberg war against Rothenburg "who has the best mustard", but what do we think Belgium with an advantage in the "Battle of the Fries" on the front of mayo?

By cons, is it fair to badume that France is favorite, albeit marginally, for this one?

200 million + Brazilians could disagree, waking always frightened by the appearances of Kevin of Bruyne in the Chucky style, haunting their sleep.And it is even before starting with Ed in Hazard or Romelo Lukaku who both seem to be in a career form.

As we know, a team is much more than individuals, and I think that's why this piece of Adam White me – looking at the two second-choice sides of France, and how they held good at this World Cup:

France vs Belgium.

These good friends from the Schengen zone. Comrades in many historical games, they will glare at the 620 km of their common border today.

For any of these groups of supporters, as Guus Hiddink said: "These are the games, what is it about?" And for the neutrals, what a hangover prospect – two sides who attack with brio and enthusiasm (unless they have a gentleman agreement with Denmark, that is to say).

There is absolutely no argument to say that Russia 2018 as a football festival has canceled anyone, but the remarkable series of 16 against Argentina and the defeat of Belgium in the quarterfinals of Brazil are two of the most exciting matches of international football. We have seen it in recent years.

As always, it is difficult to clbadify things as subjectively as football games. That said, Nick Ames set his sights on the quarter-finals four days ago, and here's what he thinks of where our latest 'Fab Four' are.


  Richard Parkin

And so at this stage of the World Cup where every day without a match feels inexorably useless – we wake up with a spring in our step, and hope our heart, because football, dear reader, is back.

Three epic games to play (and a "good that we might as well be there") – until Russia 2018 announces its ultimate winner; Vladimir Putin, apart. Will it be France? Belgium; England or Croatia?

18 of the 20 World Cups of all time went to nations that are not [ces quatre-là] – have we ever seen such an open competition? Two of them have never won one; Not to mention the final of the World Cup, will Belgium or Croatia make history?

All we can say is that for two of these four sides, the answer will come sooner than today (*): one of these nations comes home [19659010] Timetable of the day:

19h BST / 21h MSK / 4h Monday AEST: France v Belgium Saint Petersburg

So prepare your herring and slippers, do your gymnastics morning (or night) now, and for the sake of heaven, call mom, otherwise you'll just know that she will call you during the game.

As always, send your best ideas, discussion points and questions to join the conversation today: by email ([email protected]), twitter ( @rrjparkin ), or simply comment under the line. Especially if you know more about Belgian football than your humble scribe today.

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