5 natural ways that men and women can boost their fertility, experts say


Whether you drink cough syrup or keep your legs up, there are hundreds of strange and wonderful theories about how to improve your fertility.

Although most stories of these old women are absurd, there are a number of natural ways to increase your chances of conceiving.

Speaking to Mirror Online, Dr. Amin Gorgy, a fertility consultant at Fertility & Gynecology Academy, has revealed five natural ways to improve your fertility.

1. stop smoking

Dr. Gorgy advises men and women to stop smoking if you try to conceive.

Ditch cigarettes

He explained, "Smoking significantly increases the time it takes to get pregnant. Even pbadive smoking has a detrimental effect on the male and female reproductive system. It is therefore best to avoid situations where you might be tempted to smoke or likely to consume. large amounts of pbadive smoke.

2. reduce stress

Reducing stress can be easier said than done, but it can really help increase your fertility.

Dr. Gorgy said, "If stress affects everyone differently, it can potentially, under extreme circumstances, have a negative impact on the female reproductive system and may be badociated with lower fertility or fertility potential.

Try yoga to reduce stress

"There are many ways to reduce stress, such as reducing your workload, meditating, or finding a support network. These can help you in your design efforts. "

3. Reduce your consumption of alcohol

Alcohol consumption can reduce the chances of conception for women by more than 50%, according to Dr. Gorgy.

He added: "Even a moderate alcohol consumption of five or fewer drinks a week can contribute to the risk of certain types of infertility.

"In men, excessive consumption of alcohol interferes with hormone levels, affecting the quality and production of sperm."

In men, excessive consumption of alcohol interferes with the levels of hormones. Try a water instead

4. Exercise regularly

If you already enjoy going to the gym, you may increase your fertility without even knowing it.

Dr. Gorgy said, "Exercising at an optimal pace for your body type and your abilities will help you become stronger and prepare your body for pregnancy, but excessive exercise can reduce the risk of regular ovulation all the months and hence the chances of conceiving. with moderation."

5. Maintain a healthy diet

Finally, try to be wary of what you eat.

Dr. Gorgy added, "Try to maintain a healthy diet with enough potbadium, magnesium, sodium, calcium and vitamin D to increase your chances of conception. For example, a well-balanced Mediterranean diet will meet the needs of your body and these essential vitamins. will help your body create an optimal environment for a baby. "

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