Corruption has become a way of life – CHRAJ


million. Richard Quayson, Assistant Commissioner; The Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) noted Friday that corruption has become a way of life in the country and that it should be checked urgently.

He explained that corrupt activities, indiscipline and anarchy had become a norm. the high moral of the country; adding that few people who were fleeing this were considered bad people.

million. Quayson, who revealed this during a day of forum to enlighten the staff of the Ghana Press Agency on the mandate of the CHRAJ, National Plan of Action against Corruption 2015-2014 (NACAP) and the Code of Ethics of Officials

The forum, organized by the Ghana News Agency (GNA), served as a bi-monthly public educational platform created by the Agency to update the skills of the Forum is also engaged as the GNI prepares to deepen its engagement with stakeholders, state institutions and civil society organizations and to create a platform for effective discussion of national issues.

He explained that NACAP is an initiative designed to provide a framework for effectively mobilizing broad public support and resources for anti-corruption activities in a focused and sustained manner [19]. 659002] The deputy commissioner of the CHRAJ stated that corruption, of human origin, had reached a level at which most young people had no hope in the system and were forced to migrate to other countries. Other countries where they perceived better systems of slavery. Everything about morality and integrity has been rejected. People do wrong things without thinking twice. The same things at other people in other jurisdictions and will be punished severally, when the same thing is done in Ghana, the guy will be applauded. "swallowed by dirt, the situation in the health and education sectors are no different.Corruption is killing us … the cost of corruption is now measured in our human lives," he said. added.

While equating corruption with human waste, he said that it must be managed and handled in a manner that avoids threats. "Many countries have been swallowed up by corruption but they have been able to effectively handle the situation.Ghana as Africa's star has failed the people and the continent." not lost because Botswana was once very corrupt, but they took drastic measures to clean the chancre and it is now one of the most prosperous countries in Africa, "he said.

The country of corruption was the renewal of minds and attitudes, noting that no program could succeed if people did not make a conscious effort to change.

million. Kweku Osei Bonsu, Acting Director General of GNA, explained that the workshop was the first in the series of internal bimonthly trainings aimed at helping Agency staff to update their reports in a strategic area and to build partnerships with key stakeholders.

"As journalists, there are temptations and pitfalls is to help avoid these challenges," he said.

million. Osei Bonsu said the GNA had a unique role of mobilizing citizens for nation building, economic and social development, national unity and integration.

This can be done by acting as a central news collection agent of the state, gathering news from all regional districts, and even the most difficult regions.

Source: GNA

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