These are the largest economies in Africa – IMF


CAPE TOWN – The latest report from the World Economic Outlook of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) shows which are Africa's largest economies in measuring GDP per capita.

According to the report, South Africa is the second largest economy in Africa. a GDP of $ 349.3 billion. The estimated total of Egypt for 2017 is 237 billion dollars.

Taking first place is Nigeria, considered Africa's largest economy. To another extent, the IMF shows which African countries have done well since 2011 and then makes predictions for 2020.

To this extent, Nigeria slips to 15th position on the list, just ahead of # 39; Egypt. Other African nations such as Mauritius and Gabon reach great heights as they produce billions of dollars in value while keeping a small population.

Botswana overtook South Africa in 2011 as the economic downturn took on all its meaning. While the five most populous countries experienced similar, albeit mixed, trends in GDP per capita growth, the recoveries were much stronger.

For example, Botswana is moving ahead to South Africa and Namibia. a trajectory that can possibly exceed it. According to the IMF, Mauritius and Gabon should continue to move forward and backward.

Here are the data from the IMF:

# Country GDP (2017, FMI) [19659012] Nigeria $ 376.3 billion
2 South Africa South $ 349.3 billion
3 Egypt $ 237.1 billion
4 Algeria $ 178.33 billion
5 Angola [19659013] $ 124.2 billion
6 Morocco $ 109.8 billion
7 Ethiopia $ 80.9 billion
8 Kenya [19659013] $ 79.5 billion
9 Sudan $ 58.2 billion
10 Tanzania $ 51.7 billion


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