Botswana: "Government recognizes the role of civil servants"


By Keamogetse Letsholo

Kasane – Deputy Minister of Presidential Affairs, Governance and Public Administration, Mr. Machana Shamukuni says that the government recognizes the role of the public service in the construction of the city. economy of the country

M. Shamukuni, who is also a Chobe MP, said the civil service had played a crucial role in building the country's economy, which has become a middle-income economy, hence the government's willingness to improve the working relationship between the two parties.

He mentioned that some of the ways in which the government has demonstrated its commitment to improving labor relations was the recent meeting between the president and union leaders and the planned revival of the Negotiating Council

. , Staff member of the Ministry of Basic Education, Mr. Lekolang Botumile, expressed concern about the lack of setting Botumile also denounced the shortage of clbadrooms at the primary school of Kazungula, Chobe and Liswaani JSS which he said affected the quality of education in the district.

In addition, students achieved poor results in practical subjects such as agriculture because their crops were destroyed by wild animals such as elephants and baboons.

million. Botumile lamented that the vehicles on board the district are never replaced and that vehicle maintenance is centralized. According to him, each of the two junior high schools had a cook's position, which required the cooks to perform the duties of cook.

19659010] He suggests however that an experienced cook's post be introduced so that kitchen hands become cooks.

The Regional Wildlife Officer, Mr. Mbututu Mbu Tutu, decried long and irregular work schedules for staff, adding that some were forced to work an additional 22 hours a week instead of the recommended 14 hours [19659005] Mr. Mbututu suggested that 30% of overtime be commuted to overtime or 26 working days. 22 days should be put in place to limit the cases where staff work overtime for which they are not paid.

He cited that officers who refuse to be transferred to Chobe contributed to the lack of personnel, particularly at the park.

million. Mbututu denounced housing shortage for staff

He noted that the Department of Wildlife and National Parks' service plan was outdated and required

Chobe District Deputy Secretary, Mr. Atamelang Bopadile, complained that the Chobe council had been the last to be turned into a district council. In the country, some departments that were to be directed at the D1 scale are headed to D4, a situation which he says has contributed to the fact that the institution has many cases with the ombudsman.

He implored the authorities to propose a strategy

M. Bopadile asks for an allowance for carers in the Kachikau special unit because their work is not ordinary.

Mrs Dorcus Radikatse denounces the late payment of termination benefits, in particular for days off. when people retired from the public service, citing that in some cases the payment of days off took more than two months, one thing she said depleted retirees.

In response, DPSM official Mr. Victor Manyanda garbage transfers should be recorded because their actions constitute a form of insubordination.

He urged departments to fill vacant positions to prevent their employees from working extended hours.

On the review of the service program, Mr. Manyanda stated that the department should make a proposal to the DPSM for a reconsideration of the obsolete service plan.

He pointed out that the delay in the payment of days off reflected the reluctance of the community. Due to the lack of housing, Shamukuni urged the officers to consider the shortage of public housing as an opportunity to pay. invest in building and renting houses.

He urges them to use existing programs to build houses and rent them to the government

Source: BOPA

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