A blind man accidentally grabs eight feet PYTHON in his bathroom after thinking that he was insulating


A blind man who thought he had found a roll of insulation in his bathroom discovered that it was an eight foot PYTHON.

Stuart Saunders, 60, listened to music when he heard noises late at night.

He found what he thought was a foam pipe and tried to pick it up several times to move it.

But his horrified support worker then broke into the room and told him that the intruder was a huge escaped snake – who had crossed the toilet.

The deadly snake had escaped into Stuart Saunders's home through plumbing

The deadly snake had escaped through plumbing in the house in Exeter, Devon [19659002] Stuart, who was born blind, said: "I was lying in my deck chair listening to my music when the next minute I heard" crash! "After a while I went into the bathroom to pick them up, I thought that the wind coming from the window had perhaps overturned them. "

" A toothbrush and glbad, a bottle of When I picked them up, I'd have it. I noticed this thing on the floor, as if some insulation had appeared.

The eight foot python was later caught by Exeter Exotics

"I went from the front and I l? I picked up but it was too heavy.I phoned my support employee at the intercom and I said, 'I have a little mess' and they are

"My boyfriend Jason said," You have a snake in your bathroom. "

We called the police, they called the RSPCA, but that's Exeter Exotics who came

"He left the bathroom in a hideous mess, with guns on the wall. The bathroom needs to be thoroughly cleaned."

Stuart Saunders believed that "the bathroom was not clean." a foam insulation pipe had fallen from the ceiling

Stuart had never handled a snake before, and added, "I don? I never had a snake in my bathroom in. "

" I was so amazed. Jason added, "I walked in and I opened the door thinking that a bottle of bleach had fallen to the ground or something like that."

"And I I really had to go in and out because I just could not believe it. "

Exeter Exotics nearby now occupies the python after it was found at 10 pm on Sunday evening. [19659024]! Function a (i, c, u) {function s (t, e) {if (! C
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