Africa: Namibia steps up training for Africa Netball World Cup qualifiers


NAMIBIA's senior national netball team will face Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Zambia in the next African Women's Championship qualifiers, which is also the qualifying tournament for the World Cup. The Zambia Netball Association team will be in Lusaka, Zambia, from August 13 to 18, 2018.

Rebecca / Goagoses, vice president of Netball Namibia, said Monday in Nampa that they were still in the process of

"It will not be easy in Zambia even though we managed to beat them and had a remarkable match against Zimbabwe in the second edition of the Debmarine Namibia Pent series, because that the platform will be different, "said Goagoses, who is also responsible for marketing, sponsorship, public relations and competition at Netball Namibia.

They have recruited a high performance committee that trains the company. team on different aspects of fitness

"We want to have a very fit team that will represent the country well," she said.

/ Goagoses "Our goal is to qualify for the World Cup and Am improve our ranking. We have been working hard to build a team over the past three years and it would be a waste of time for everyone if we stop developing this team. "Namibia will face Uganda on August 14, Kenya on August 15, Zimbabwe on August 16, Malawi on August 17, and Botswana and Botswana Zambia August 18 – Nampa

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