The African Integration Project has taken a number of important steps this year. One of them was the adoption by the African Union of a protocol on the free movement of people. The movement has been widely welcomed.
The free movement of Africans between African countries could undoubtedly facilitate growth. Allowing more free movements would encourage trade, tourism and investment among African countries. And this would allow students to study in other African and African countries with appropriate skills to find rewarding jobs.
The opening of borders has had positive effects in other parts of the world. For example, the growth of many Asian countries is significantly attributable to the liberalization of inter-Asian relations, notably through an agreement between the South-East Asian countries that promotes freer labor mobility
. . Seychelles, Mauritius and Rwanda have liberalized their visa requirements. One of the effects is a significant increase in foreign tourist arrivals from other African countries. And the removal of visas and even pbadport requirements in the regional trading blocks in East Africa and the West is widely considered to have resulted in increased economic activity.
But there are major obstacles to be overcome. the continent can be reached. The biggest is raised by the concerns raised by the major economies of the continent such as South Africa and the countries of North Africa where unemployment rates are high and there is concern that increased immigration can contribute to increasing domestic tensions.
managed free movement could aggravate the brain drain for the poorest countries. Because of these concerns, among others, only 30 countries have signed the protocol. This is much lower than the 44 that signed the African Continental Free Trade Agreement
The Obstacles
The AU recognizes the lack of preparation of many national and continental arrangements that would allow the full immediate implementation of the protocol. Some countries have population and pbadport registration systems that lack integrity, some have weak border management and others lack security.
For this reason, the implementation was divided into three phases: right of entry and removal of visas; right of residence; and the right of establishment (which includes investment and business creation).
Phases 2 and 3 will not be implemented until the implementation of the first phase has been re-examined.
But many countries, especially the richest,
The main concerns relate to the lack of inter-state cooperation measures on immigration procedures, border management, education systems and the mutual recognition of qualifications, common standards for working conditions, and access to or transferability of social security benefits.
South Africa, in particular, has problems related to a series of requirements. A note from the South African Department of Home Affairs identifies 12 prerequisites for the implementation of the protocol. Some of them are unrealistic as the condition of "peace, security and stability on the continent".
But about half of the prerequisites seem quite reasonable and understandable. They include civil registration systems and bilateral agreements of return. Critical registration systems; South Africa is one of the few countries in the continent to have a complete identification system.
The position of Home Affairs is very cautious. It advises against even adopting Phase 1 of the protocol – the right of entry and removal of visas for other Africans – until certain conditions are met. According to him, it is imperative to improve the population registration systems, establish integrated border management systems, conclude bilateral agreements of return and strengthen the application of the laws at the national level in Africa prior to phase 1.
alone to adopt this position. Other countries with similar concerns include many North African countries and one or two other richer African countries. Like South Africa, most North African countries have relatively high unemployment rates and fear a reaction from citizens. In situations of unemployment and inequality, disadvantaged citizens may end up blaming "outsiders" for their plight, resulting in tensions that can lead to xenophobia.
The Protocol is unlikely to progress unless fears are resolved. How can the AU take into account the latecomers?
Next Steps
One suggestion is that the AU establish a technical committee to address the issues raised and propose solutions.
The registration of the population, ultimately culminating in an African identity card or an African standardized identity card, would be a good way to solve these technical problems. The technical committee could first focus on the obstacles to the implementation of Phase 1. Once this obstacle is overcome, it could move on to Phase 2 and possibly Phase 3.
The Technical Committee must have sufficient resources to achieve its objectives and ensure that the richest countries believe that the committee will make progress with or without them. They Will not Want to Be Left Behind
This article is based on a lecture given by the author at the Post-Tana Forum in Gaborone
Alan Hirsch, Professor and Director of the Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance, University of Cape Town
This article was originally published on The Conversation. Read the original article
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