After the world record in Monaco, Chepkoech targets the next target | New


For most spectators at the 1945-19004 meeting of the IAAF Diamond League at Louis II Stadium, Beatrice Chepkoech's 3000m steeplechase world record was about three laps to go. As for Chepkoech, however, it was from the moment the weapon was gone …

What became clear after she had taken an extraordinary margin of eight seconds on the world record mark of 8: 52.78 in 8: 44.32 It was a bit surprising to see the success of this 27-year-old Kenyan – although she had not planned to run that fast.

"I wanted to break the world record; it was the plan for the beginning of the season, "she said. "And I knew that the greatest chance would be in Monaco because of the weather, the crowds and all the environment, and that plan worked well."

"I thought maybe I could break 8:50 but not at all if I dreamed at 8:44. "

After the pacemaker Caroline Tuigong, world champion under 20 in 2006, who led the 1000 meters in 2: 55.23 before tacking, Chepkoech continued without After two laps in 68.6 and 70.5

When she reached the 2000 meters in 5: 49.81, she looked calm and quiet, something special was clearly at stake.

Chepkoech slows down in the Penultimate lap in 71.4 before accelerating to kiss him "In my last lap, I looked at the time and I knew I was going to break the record of the world and that was what I wanted, "she said, IAAF

" It's great to have brought back to Kenya the e record of the female steeple-chase, I am very proud of it. "

According to Kenyan news sources, the question of whether Chepkoech was going to run the steeplechase this season was a problem following last year 's IAAF debacle. World's Championships. She paid her excellent chance to win the title when she missed a water jump and had to double up and put things back in place before finishing fourth in a race that ended in a unexpected success for the United States. Emma Coburn and Courtney Frerichs won the gold "Of course, I was angry," she said while pondering over her gaffe on Friday. "But that did not stop me from continuing to believe in myself, on the contrary."

Nevertheless, it seemed that others were not convinced. She would have been forced to run the 1500m rather than the 3000m steeplechase at this year's Commonwealth Games – where she won silver in 4: 03.09 behind Caster Semenya of South Africa – and wanted to prove one's point of view in PB "

But there is no doubt that Chepkoech is an exceptionally adaptable athlete in terms of events.It started as a road racer, pbading to the track in 2015, when she set a personal 1500m record in 4: 03.28 and earned a bronze medal at the African Games.

She finished the season with a race at the 2000m steeplechase The meeting of l & # 39; ISTAF in Berlin successfully transitioned to the cross-country event the following year, finishing respectively fourth and second at the Diamond League meetings of Eugene and Stockholm, before missing an Olympic medal of ################################################################################## 39 one place

Chepkoech, She showed her talent e last season's service championship, where she retained her steeple-chase title in 10: 00.60 before winning the 1500m in 4: 07.69 – beating 2013 world champion Eunice Sum in second place – before completing a hat-trick of titles in the 400m hurdles, where she ran 60.70.

Trained by 800m European Champion Bram Som and a training partner of world champion and 1500m Olympic champion Faith Kipyegon, Chepkoeche is expected to represent Kenya – this time at the 3000m steeplechase – at the African Championships in Asaba, Nigeria from August 1-5, with U20 World Champion Celliphine Chespol, 10th in Monaco, and Fancy Cherono. Frerichs' victory in second place against the US Coburn record of 9: 02.58, finishing in 9: 00.85 to become the sixth fastest woman of all time, was a measure of her superiority. Kenyan.

"This race was amazing!" Said Frerichs. "Eight seconds under the world record – it's a big step for the event, such a promotion."

"I am so proud of this American record and what will keep us going, that 's the nine – minute line and that' s it I'm going to aim for … It 's awesome to d & # 39; to be an American among all Kenyans and I must congratulate Emma for making this event what it is now in America.Who knows what will follow? "

On this subject, Chepkoech has already begun to speculate: "Maybe my next target could be running under 8.40."

Mike Rowbottom for the IAAF

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