Thursday, July 19, 2018 19:21
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready; It's KCB weekend Karen Masters. If you are president, general manager or captain of a golf or country club in the East and Central Africa region – take a notebook and pen, get ready to take lessons, many will be served at Karen's
To play golf, buy a ticket and see young golf "mechanics" at work, visit the village too, a lot to enjoy – admire the sights and sounds of the best golf club golf and country of Kenya. If you're a golfer, forget to play golf this weekend, head over to Karen and watch some of the best players in the world on a golf course in perfect condition.
The second edition of the Karen Masters, now Sunshine Tour sanctioned tournament, last night at the Karen Country Club with a full field of 156 golfers. The field includes four Kenyan amateur golfers led by Daniel Nduva, the best Kenyan amateur of Nyali, the young and promising Mutahi Kibugu of Muthaiga, John Karichu of Limuru and Edwin Mudanyi of Vet Lab.
According to Karen Country Club President Lawrence Kiambi, the KCB Karen Masters offers a unique platform for the best Kenyan amateurs and professionals to develop their golfing skills.
"When we considered organizing the KCB Karen Masters, our goal was to build a platform that would serve some purpose.The first of them was to give our Kenyan professionals and the best Elite fans have the opportunity to compete in a world-clbad event, organized with the players in the lead and give them the opportunity to compete with the best players in the world. "I believe in this second year, we have achieved this goal. This week, and throughout the weekend, our pros and those from the East African region will participate in an event that will not differ from the best in the four corners of the globe. "
Commenting on the impact of the event on Kenya brand, Kiambi added that the effect of sports in the promotion of tourism, trade and investment is well-documented "Sporting events play a big role in the creation of national brands and the impact of KCB Karen Masters goes beyond golf, tourism and commerce.
This week, more than 150 players and officials traveled to Kenya because of this event, booking hotels and spending dollars on travel, food and recreation. At the same time, this event is broadcast locally, in South Africa, across our continent and the world – by attracting the attention of globes of 60 million golf tourists to our country, Kenya ", a- he commented.
"As this event continues to grow, we will not only develop the sectors around golf, we will have played our role as a club in promoting our national brand as a favorite tourism destination. of golf. "
The KCB edition of Karen Masters marks the first time that the Sunshine Tour's adventure in Kenya, a feat made possible through the collaboration between Karen Country Club and KCB as sponsors
"The organizers of the Sunshine Tour were eager to come to Kenya and after the inauguration of the KCB Karen Masters in 2017, we agreed to work together," added Kiambi. "KCB, for its part , is engaged in the sports promotion in this region and is engaged in athletics, rugby, football, motorsport, chess and golf. KCB's sponsorship decisions are guided by a strategy and badessment of the positive impact on the communities in which the bank works. KCB also considers sponsorships that promote the empowerment of young people through sport. "
The Sunshine Tour affiliation means that more than 100 Sunshine Tour players will be in the country this week and that an African contingent of 36 Kenyan pros, 7 Ugandans, Isaac Wanyeche from Tanzania, Jules Dusabe of Rwanda and Haile Ghebreeghziabher of Ethiopia, represented by Andrew Odoh and Sunday Olapade, among other countries represented in Karen are Senegal, Ghana, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, United States United and several European countries
"The huge representation of Africa demonstrates our desire to support golf. East Africa, but across our continent and give as many of our neighbors the opportunity to come to Karen Country Club and live a world clbad event set up by a dedicated and pbadionate team . "
The second round will be underway at Karen and only the top 60 players (plus ties) will play at the weekend and compete for a share of the total fund of 15 shillings.
All the best for the players is African and well done at the well-oiled machine at the Karen Country Club which continues to make a great show year after year with military precision.
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