Apple gets a trademark: there is an app for that ™



"There is an application for this" is the "Where is the beef?" Or "I can not believe I've eaten everything" of our generation: an advertising slogan so ubiquitous and memorable that it is constantly referenced in popular culture. Lazy joke writers love it, while Don Draper himself admires his almost crystal-clear beauty.

PublicityMentally affix a ™ symbol at the end of this phrase every time you hear it, because Apple has just won their mark on "There is an app for this".

Apple filed its first trademark for the brand in 2009 after using it on January 26 of the same year. The description of the mark indicates that the mark should apply in the following situations.

… Retail store software services provided via the Internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; retail store services featuring computer software for portable digital electronic devices and other consumer electronics products.

That is, if you run a real estate business and want to keep your 'There's a Apt. for that "local newspaper ads, you're probably fine.

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