Axios AM – November 28, 2018


"The number of unauthorized immigrants in the United States, has fallen to its lowest level in over a decade, according to new estimates from the Pew Research Center based on the 2016 government data, "write Jeffrey S. Pbadel and D'Vera Cohn of the Center of Pew search.

  • "There was 10.7 million unauthorized immigrants living in the United States in 2016, up from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007, according to new estimates. "
  • "[B]between 2007 and 2016, the unauthorized immigrant population has decreased by 13% ".
  • "Two-thirds unauthorized adult immigrants have been living in the country for more than 10 years. "
  • Verification of reality: The data contrast sharply with those of President Trump "invasion"rhetoric.

"The decline is almost entirely due to a sharp decrease in the number of Mexicans entering the country without permission, "writes Pew.

  • Mark Hugo LopezUSA, director of research on migration and demographics around the world, told the US press that the growing security presence of the US government along the southwestern border – under Democratic and Republican administrations – had discouraged more immigrants.
  • The second major factor: "The Great Recession has eliminated millions of jobs that attract undocumented immigrants to the United States, while the Mexican economy is gradually improving, giving Mexicans more reasons to stay."

What is pushing? "[T]The legal immigrant population has increased by 22% over the same period, an increase of more than 6 million people, "writes Pew.

  • "In 2016, The United States housed a total of 34.4 million legal immigrants, both naturalized and non-citizen citizens, with permanent and temporary visas. "

The caravans: The Mexican border "remains an entryway for a growing number of unauthorized immigrants from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras".

  • "Because of them, Central America was the only region of origin that had more unauthorized US immigrants in 2016 than in 2007 ".
  • Go further: Read how Pew rates unauthorized immigrants.

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