Barrow calls for an African united front against corruption


(Photo of the Archive) President Adama Barrow addressing the media on his arrival at the Banjul International Airport

Gambian President Adama Barrow expressed the need to tighten the ranks of African countries to fight corruption. speak the same voice about how we deal with corruption. Many resources have been wasted in Africa, it is now time for Africa to come together and fight corruption if we hear about Africa's development, "Barrow told reporters Tuesday night upon his arrival. at the Banjul International Airport

The two-day summit of the African Union (AU) was held in Nouakchott, Mauritania.The event, which brought together more of 30 heads of state, allowed the participants to discuss a wide range of topics.The fight against corruption dominated the debates, including the institutional reforms of the mainland.

President Barrow , who has vowed to right the wrongs of the past in the small West African nation, said the African head of state was serious and committed to building strong institutions that would help fight corruption. [19659003] "Even though we can not eliminate 100% corruption, at least we can minimize it in the interest of our continent. I think it was the main objective and direction of the summit, "he added.

Global Anti-Graft Watchdog Transparency International said that corruption is still a problem in Africa and continues to curb the continent.At the bottom of the Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2017 with an average score of 32.

Described by many people as a "sporting activity" under the previous regime, the phenomenon seems to have increased vibrancy in New Gambia, prompting # DAFADOY activists take to the streets to denounce corruption

For many observers, this renewed commitment requires President Adama Barrow to establish the much-awaited anti-corruption commission. corruption …

Written by Abdoulie JOHN [19659012] [ad_2]
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