Botswana: Bobonong hosts BCP conference


By Goratileone Kgwadu

Bobonong – Botswana Congress Party (BCP) will hold three main activities planned for the president of the holidays at Matshekge Hill School in Bobonong during the long weekend.

In an interview, Mr.Publicha Keorapetse indicated that the activities would include an elective youth convention to be held tomorrow evening.

Tomorrow morning (July 14), he said that the party would celebrate 20 years of existence having been formed in 1998 as well as the celebration of the 90th anniversary of Mr. Keorapetse, also a founding party member, Dr. Michael Dingake

million. Keorapetse, also a member of Parlaiment Selebi Phikwe, said that Dr. Dingake celebrated the first anniversary session at Robben Island and Cape Town.

The party conference, he said, should start Sunday until Monday, adding that one of the things they would look at was the badessment of the just prim

million. Keorapetse said the issues arising from the primary elections would be addressed at the conference by party members.

Other issues, he said, would include preparations for the 2019 general election and the status of the party. For democratic change (UDC)

M. Keorapetse said that since BCP joined the UDC, "we participated together in by-elections, attended meetings of the National Executive Committee and the conference would ask if there is progress or not. For his part, Taolo Lucas, a parliamentary aspirant to the constituency, said the party veterans and elderly villagers who grew up with Dr. Dingake in Bobonong would be speakers at the anniversary celebration.

million. Lucas said that celebrations in the evening at the community hall while the young people would be engaged in discussions at Matshekge the same evening.

He said that Dr. Dingake was a wrestling icon that deserved to be recognized. He has been to Robben Island in South Africa for 15 years along the wrestling icon and first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.

In addition, he stated that Dr. Dingake would leave for South Africa on Sunday, July 15. During Nelson Mandela's centennial celebrations, Lucas said Dr. Dingake on Robben Island was in the supreme hierarchy of prisoners where he wrote and disseminated political literature among inmates to ignite the spirit of struggle [19659013] will also hold his lecture at Rakops High School from July 15th to 16th.

Khwee Councilor Slow Gobotswang stated that reports on the party's progress would be published in the regions, report of the party's president, secretary general and treasurer. The conference he said was to check whether the party was making incursions into certain constituencies and to boost the recruitment campaign.

million. Gobotswang said the party would be one It will also develop a plan of action for the 2019 general elections and mitigate the challenges that arise from permanent primary elections.

He said to expect messages of solidarity from other members of the UDC.

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