Botswana: Ceda's Dinku Mabogo Boosts Microenterprises


Metsimotlhabe – Ms. Boitshepo Constance Letsholo is one of the beneficiaries of Mabogo Dinku of the Citizenship Enterprise Development Agency (CEDA)

Ms. Letsholo said that the company, under the Ladies in Action leadership, members met through one of the Facebook pages and discussed how they could benefit from Mabogo Dinku.

Ms. Letsholo has received 10,000 pesos to help her business, which sells men She says her business is mobile and that most of her clients are in Mochudi, Gaborone and Tlokweng.

She says she's also chosen to market her services on social media like Whatsapp. and Facebook because it is profitable

She explains that she has managed to accomplish many things through the business because she now has a bank account where she saves money, pays the tuition and transportation costs of his children. 9009] The 31-year-old entrepreneur says she buys her stock in Johannesburg, South Africa, and goes there every week

Ms. Letsholo got help from two badistants and she pays them to the commission.

She is grateful to Mabogo Dinku, who helped her develop her business, adding that prior to her sponsorship, she only sold men's clothes.

In addition, his customers often waited a long time for their orders to be delivered. 19659003] She says the cash injection is really helpful since she was buying her stock once a month.

Ms. Letsholo said her main challenge was to sell clothes seasonally.

The first months of the year, people will recover from the feast and also in July and August since people have already bought winter clothes, "she said.

Although she has a certificate in Travel and Tourism, Mrs. Letsholo so that she could beat a

Source: BOPA

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