Botswana Deny Security Agency Involved in Ivory Trade


GABORONE, July 20 (Xinhua) – Botswana has denied the reports that the country's spy agency is involved in illegal trade

The Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Security Services (DISS) has been detained with a secret ivory stash.

"The Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) has never gone out of business. "Said Thato Raphaka, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism."

Raphaka said, "This is a false and misleading that of the Department of Wildlife and National Parks Anti-poaching Unit uncovered a secret stash of elephant tusks."

"It may be further noted that the Department of Wildlife and National Parks is aware of the fact that -Poaching operations and regular patrols in line with their mandate, "Raphaka said.

Ministry said the reports were an attempt to give an impression that the DISS has been involved in Ivory smuggling.

Botswana has received international accolades for its anti-poaching efforts with its trademark, shoot to kill policy on poachers.

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