Botswana: The Church hires President Masisi


Gaborone – The government continues to ensure that the church provides spiritual guidance in the affairs of the state, said President Mokgweetsi Masisi

addressing spiritual leaders who gave him a courtesy call on July 5th. President Masisi said that churches contribute to the harmonization of the nation, the government and its institutions.

"The church has been a key factor in promoting peace and prosperity in our country.The role played by the church, but we take note of the churches' quest for transformation to remain relevant, "he said.

This, he said, was in the context of the collaboration of different churches on issues of national interest.The president promised members of BONECO that He would discuss some of the issues they had raised with the government.

President Masisi said It was important to put in place measures that would govern the division of churches and rituals in public spaces and in the waters.

He said it was important that spiritual leaders play a role in the protection of human rights. "President Masisi also called on religious leaders to strengthen their role in the repression of evil social issues and to do so that the voice of the church remains focused on the problems of public nuisance, rape and murder among others.

Pastor BONECO Pastor Tebogo Motlhagodi explained that the organization was created as an umbrella body for the Botswana Council of Churches (BCC), the Organization of African Churches Instituted (OAIC ) And the Evangelical Community of Botswana to collaborate and speak with one voice.

About the courtesy call, he said the purpose was to congratulate He urged President Masisi to consider the church as relevant and instrumental in building the nation and to appreciate its participation in the country's democratic dispensation.

he asked the government to consider allowing the participation of the church in political initiatives and its representation in the compilation of the address of the state of the nation and other fora

For his part, Pastor Gabriel Tsuaneng he said that the church should remain instrumental in molding children from a young age, especially at the primary level.

Pastor Tsuaneng historically said the church acted as a consultative and oversight body in fostering the integration of biblical concepts in mission schools, which he said should be resurrected.

Another BONECO member, Pastor Job e Koosimile, asked the government to consider creating a national chaplaincy office to spiritually guide public institutions.

He also requests that church representatives be included in election observation missions and represented on the High Level Advisory Council. BOPA

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