Bulawayo Prophet makes a sensation, launches a sumptuous birthday party


The famous prophet Bulawayo Thabiso Ngwenya made a lot of noise on Sunday after organizing a sumptuous birthday party similar to that of hip-hop moguls such as P Diddy and Jay Z at the Faith In Christ International headquarters in Pumula South.

The so-called prophet gained popularity by performing miracles, especially using holy water to heal and reverse spells (bombardment).

Much food and drink was offered at the colorful event that was honored by thousands of pastors and neighboring countries like South Africa and Botswana.

The electrical ambiance and entertainment that punctuated the 43rd birthday of the Prophet were provided by the Zimbabwe Prison and Correctional Services (ZPCS) Band.

And as usual, his convoy – which was leaving his "bombing site" before heading to church headquarters – was a head turner. ophet Ngwenya made a great finish around 2 pm in a brand new light blue Mercedes "Prophet Ngwenya's 43rd Birthday Celebration".

Addressing the thousands who filled the church premises, he said the Lord was good for him. A man of the cloth is established by the Lord, when he rejoices in his way.

In an interview, the so-called prophet was not free to disclose the total budget of the party, but said it cost him a fortune

"That cost me a fortune" The birthday party, but I do not regret it because it is also one of the occasions where I chose to interact with the members of my church and the public. This has not only left a mark in my life, but also to those who have been invited, "said Prophet Ngwenya


"It was a good day and an important moment for our Bishop, it is the day that he set aside for us to celebrate with him." The Bible also teaches us to obey our leaders. and to submit to them for they watch over our souls. "The Bible also says," That the old rulers who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who work in preaching and teaching (1 Timothy 5 : 17), "said Emma Sibanda, a member of the church.

Prophet Ngwenya made headlines in local and foreign media, especially in South Africa, after Rebecca Malope consulted. on problems related to infertility. It has also been reported that one of the girls of the former president of the AS, Jacob Zuma, also consulted the famous healer.

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