Congo-Kinshasa: DRC Faces Upsurge of Violence Unless to Deal Is Done With Kabila


By Andrew Edward Tchie

Amid a fresh wave of civil unrest in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the international community must question its confidence in President Joseph Kabila to achieve stability in a turbulent region. He has been at the helm since he took over in 2001 after his father, Laurent, was badbadinated. The young Kabila ruled for a transitional period until 2006, before winning two elections.

He is now in his seventh year of what should have been just once again. But he has remained in office after his term of office in late 2016. This, as the country awaits a long-delayed election. The delay has sparked deadly protests

While Kabila can not legally stand for a third term, the opposition is concerned that he might. Fears among opposition and church leaders have been further enlightened by Kabila's appointment of three new judges to the constitutional court. Two are well-known allies.

Purpose Kabila has no legitimacy and his authority is disintegrating. If the elections are delayed again there's a real possibility that central Africa will slide into violent conflict once again. The army is one of the world's most important sources of armed conflict.

If the international community wants to avoid another major armed conflict on Libya, Nigeria, Somalia and South Sudan – Urgent action is needed to negotiate with Kabila for his own peace of mind (19659008) Deteriorating situation

In the wake of Kabila's refusal to fail, the security situation has deteriorated. At least 10 of Congo's 26 provinces are in the grip of armed conflict. This one is about two million people to their homes, 800,000 of them children. The total number of internally displaced people is estimated to be 4.5 million while refugees are flocking into Uganda, Tanzania, Angola and Zambia.

The security situation in the DRC is saying. As the violence in Kasai and eastern parts of the country intensifies, escalating conflict in south eastern Congo

More than 70 rebel groups are estimated to be operating in the country. They are variously involved with the army or, more commonly, prey on civilians. In 2012, the M23 rebel movement briefly took over the city of Goma.

In 2012, the M23 rebel movement briefly took the city of Goma. They were eventually thrown out by the Congolese army, supported by the UN. But the current violence in Kasai is threatening to overshadow even that disaster. In August 2017, for example, the "dead city" commemorating the death toll of the country's population.

Some reports have suggested that more than 3,000 people have been killed since the start of 2017. More than 33,000 Kasai residents have fled into Angola. It has been suggested that the Bana Mura – a government sponsored militia – was behind the violence.

Last year major fighting occurred between Twa and Bantu populations in Tanganyika province. Uvira, on the outskirts of Lake Tanganyika, was the site of the Yakutumba militia and government forces.

Despite a failure by the Yakutumba militia to take Uvira, it was a reminder of the level of dissatisfaction rising in the east, since the Pakistani peacekeepers. End of the Second Congo War in 2003. The Uncertain Times Ahead

In Presidential and Legislative Elections a deal with Kabila. The political crisis is more complicated by the death of long-standing opposition leader Étienne Tshisekedi later in the year.

The election planned for December this year is unlikely to bring together the various groups or solve the outbreak of violence in the country. The most likely candidate is Moses Katumbi. He has succeeded in rallying together opposition parties in a coalition backing his candidacy – an impressive feat in a country as fragmented as the Congo.

if the fragile peace is going to hold. But the country's attorney general announced that Katumbi may not be eligible to stand for presidential elections because he is a member of the United States of America.

Under the Congo's constitution, its citizens can not hold dual citizenship and have to petition the government Regain their citizenship if they take up a foreign nationality. But the provision, however, is loosely enforced and many prominent politicians are believed to have second nationships.

Kabila's time in government has been shown to be inseparable to bring together the various ethnic groups and to control the growth of dissatisfied rebel groups. This is despite the fact that the DRC has the world 's largest peacekeeping force, numbering 18,000 blue helmets, who is trying to make it easier to meet the needs of the world.

Botswana' s President Mokgweetsi Masisi a commitment from Kabila Kabila through existing African Union mechanisms

Andrew Edward Tchie, University of Esbad

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