Connect a Compact Flash Card to your iPad with this kit


Screenshot 2011-03-28 at 11:19: 35h

The official Apple Camera Connection Kit for Apple iPad is quite accommodating to suck photos from your digital camera to your iPad. Using the range of dongles, you can suck up content via USB or simply snap your SD card.

What about users stuck in this old standard, Compact Flash? Of course, you can insert your photos by connecting your DSLR or your video camera to your iPad 2 via USB, but the pleasure is that you can do it directly with this compact flash card reader for iPad.

The price is $ 30, the same price as the official camera connection kit from Apple, and comes with a built-in USB drive that can also suck videos and pictures from No matter which USB key. If you want to complete your iPad with another dongle for photography, this looks like a good buy.

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