Conservation by the sustainable use of wildlife


The International Council for the Conservation of Wildlife and Wildlife provides a detailed study of conservation through the sustainable use of wildlife

With respect to wildlife conservation, we note that species threatened by the growth of the human population and the growing demand for arable land. We also discover that limited livelihood options are driving people to poach wildlife because of their economic value in local trade or markets, where there is a demand for purchase.

but what does that mean? We are told that this concerns the responsible management of socially, ecologically and / or economically important wildlife while maintaining their populations and habitats over time.

In addition, we learn that wildlife is an important renewable natural resource. If managed sustainably, it can provide continuous nutrition and economic income. The author further explains this point: "This contributes to food security and hence to the reduction of poverty and livelihoods, especially in rural areas of the developed and developing world."

Historically, did you know that hunting has influenced human development? , culture, religion and social interactions? This badysis reveals that there are few, if any, activities that provide a more durable link than hunting in all human civilizations since the age of the stone up to the age of 15. Age of the Internet

. One of the major contributions of conservation hunting is that it encourages communities and other landowners to protect habitat and use wildlife sustainably. Added to that, hunting clearly creates jobs, mostly in rural areas, where job opportunities are scarce, and the unemployment rate is anything but low.

It is interesting to read that hunting tourism is the most profitable form of hunting. in South Africa, it generates between $ 65.6 and $ 137 million a year, while in Tanzania it is between $ 27.6 and $ 36.1 million. Another indisputable fact is that the income generated by hunting can provide a stable financial base for habitat conservation even on large tracts of land. These and other questions that are the subject of reflection are discussed in this fascinating article of the International Council for the Conservation of Game and Wildlife.

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