Cuba and Bolivia update Fidel Castro's thinking


La Paz, November 27 (Prensa Latina) The ideas of the historical leader of the Cuban revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, are currently valid in an international context influenced by the progress of the right on the independence and sovereignty of peoples.

Two years after his physical death, Bolivians, Cubans and friends of both countries gathered in this city to highlight the legacy of the commander-in-chief and the relevance of his ideas.

The president of the Bolivian Multi-National Legislative Assembly, Gabriela Montaño, said that Fidel's life and work can be summed up in the word dignity, while highlighting his struggle for education, health and good -being peoples.

Meanwhile, in Havana, students from the University of Havana emphasized in this capital the role of the historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, in shaping the ideas of youth social justice.

In statements to Prensa Latina, Indira Alonso, a third-year journalism student, pointed out that Fidel was a paradigm for young university students and the main architect of what is currently educating Cuba.

In memory of the leader, on the occasion of the second anniversary of her physical loss, on November 25, 2016, she stressed that her international heritage continues to be the main guide of the struggles in third world countries imposed against imperialist hegemony.

Alonso explained that Fidel Castro's political and moral stature makes him the mainstay of the behavior of Cuban university students, as he participates in every march, parade, congregation and historical moment.

Moreover, Niurka Diaz, who is in fourth year of law at the University of Havana, pointed out that Fidel Castro "is a man of history, Cuba and the fief of the students in their daily actions" .

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