Drama baby dad


Drama baby dad

LOADED: Boemo Nkanda

A woman hurts a rival in love in the fight for her boyfriend

An angry woman who attacked and injured her boyfriend's baby, apparently in a fit of jealous anger, appeared in the Gaborone West customary court on Wednesday morning.

Boago Nkanda, 27, admitted to defeating his love rival, Tsholofelo Kedumetse (30) at Block 6 of Gaborone last August during a fight around their boyfriend, Distance Thaba, who had watched the fight in the comfort of his car.

"She started the fight when she pulled me with my dress and I beat her. All the time we were fighting, Thaba was sitting in his car watching the fight, "said Nkanda.

The evidence presented by the police in Kgosi, Mark Thipe, indicated that Nkanda had stroked Kedumetse's head and face with his fists and kicked him in the back.

The medical report revealed that Kedumetse had appeared in front of a medical center at the front, left arm, shoulders and bad swollen and bruised after the attack.

Although Nkanda admitted to having badaulted her rival lover, she did not plead guilty, claiming that she was defending herself during a fight.

The information filed in court by the prosecution indicates that Nkanda attacked Kedumetse after finding her in the company of Thaba. Nkanda found the two men in Thaba's car and they went away to avoid a public spectacle.

Nkanda, who was driving his car at the time, reportedly followed suit as Thaba's car rushed through the streets of Gaborone, finally dropping the mom near her home in Block 6.

However, the little mother quickly recalled Thaba and asked her to take her to the clinic because she was not feeling well.

When Kedumetse was about to leave, she saw Nkanda at the door and she asked Mher what she was looking for. "I told him that it was the distance I wanted. She then grabbed me by the dress and that's when I beat her, "Nkanda told the court.

The case was postponed to a later date to allow the prosecution and Nkanda to bring witnesses.

Out of court, Nkanda revealed that she had since ended her seven-year relationship with Thaba, who was obviously cheating on her.

"We had a baby who unfortunately pbaded away a week after delivery," Nkanda told The Voice outside the courtroom.

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