ECOWAS Court Fixes Ebola Case for July 5 "Awoko Newspaper


Sierra Leone News: ECOWAS Court Fixes Ebola Case for July 5

Two Ebola survivors and the Center for Accountability and Rule of Law (CARL) filed a complaint with of the Sierra Leone Court.
CARL Executive Director Ibrahim Tommy said that the case is a human rights case against the Government of Sierra Leone with three plaintiffs; Two survivors of Ebola and CARL as a plaintiff in the public interest.
"It is a complaint against the government for violating the rights of its citizens, their rights to life and their right to health."
The complaint is based on the allegation that funds set aside for the Ebola virus have been mismanaged by the government. Due to mismanagement, many people have become infected and have died and others have survived and these survivors are living with serious complications. "
Tommy explained that" In Sierra Leone and in international law, we consider that it is a violation of their human rights "
The case having been heard on July 5. The Executive Director said: "It is expected that the government, through the Office of the Attorney General and the Minister and Justice, will be represented … we will proceed from there because the court will give the instructions if he wants to hear both parties.If the court sees reasons to postpone and adjust the case, it will do so since it is the first time that the court will sit on it. "
Since the case was filed under the APC regime and there was a change of government does the change of government have any implication on the case ?
Tommy said "Legally no!" The claim is against the government of Sierra Leone, no matter who the president or the party is, but each administration has its own way of answering questions, including this one. "
He adds:" It is possible that the government decides to defend the action by challenging our claim, or decides not to defend it and seeks settlement amicably, but it is entirely to the government to decide.There are a number of options available to them, but the fact that there is a change of government does not invalidate it in any way. statements that we made against the government. "
Now that the SLPP government has asked for an investigation into the mismanagement of the Ebola fund, the executive director of CARL said that" one of the pray the government of Sierra Leone to investigate the allocation mismanagement of the Ebola Fund and bring to justice those responsible for such mismanagement. Now, if the government decides on its own to launch an investigation, the court will consider that and it will be part of its own record. "
He went to explain the other reliefs, including" the declaration of these funds and the eventual loss of life and infection (batches) of Sierra Leoneans have resulted in violations of the rights of the country. ;man. Now, if the court declares that this will be the first time in the history of Sierra Leone, there will be a judgment related to the poor fiscal management of human rights violations. This will be the basic jurisprudence of trainees in the protection of human rights. "
Also disclose that they have filed" for the Government of Sierra Leone to take appropriate measures to address the health problems of Ebola survivors as they live with serious health complications. Because, in addition to medical supplies, they may need psychosocial counseling. We will therefore order the court to compel the Government of Sierra Leone to take steps to meet their needs. "
On this subject, Ibrahim Rommu echoed:" It is the victory of our collective effort to ensure that state actors. "
By Betty Milton
Monday July 02 2018.

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