Expelled woman seeks refuge in police station


Francistown City Council (FCC) formally expelled Marman, a homeless pensioner who is 70 years old, from his airfield house in 2011.

Several senior government officials were aware of his situation, said the FCC's septuagenarian plans to expel him from his home for technical reasons because his plot was on drainage sewers.

Officials who spoke to Msgi this week on condition of anonymity because they were not allowed to talk about the issue, said that after Marman had been informed of the 39 Expulsion, the FCC quickly decided to badign him another parcel in the aerodrome before it was evicted.

Officials said that during the process of relocating Marman to another plot, the FCC compensated him. He adds that Marman, who is married in a property community in Ben Marman, received the money after FCC proprietary experts conducted an badessment. "In the spirit of consultation and respect for the Setswana alumni, the municipality officials told Esther that she was free to stay in her old house while they were in the process of to get her a new plot.They also told her that she had to know that she would not stay in the plot forever. "

" They did however tell Esther that she had to make sure that she was building her new home in a reasonable time because they would never have had but she applied for a court order to get her out of her old house if she chose to stay there forever, "said one of the officials

" Esther duly obliged and signed documents proving that she received a new A responsible person added Wednesday: "We also held many meetings with Esther and her husband on the whole process expulsion and compensation. The husband bequeathed all his rights with regard to the awarding of a new conspiracy and compensation to his wife.

However, things turned out worse after Emman Marman did not honor his legal obligations with the municipality

. Officials revealed that Marman decided to stay home from 2011 to 2017, forcing the FCC to obtain a court order to expel her from her former home

. "Esther, however, burned her bridges with her new tenant, forcing the neighbor to throw her out of her house. The neighbor then went to the Tatitown Custom Court to get the order to expel Esther from her place after she refused to relocate. The court told Esther that she had no legal right to refuse to move to her neighbor's house, said the source.

The police, added another source, said returned to her neighbor's house and told her to remove all her properties from her neighbor's house because the neighbor no longer wanted to live with her.

"The properties were removed from the house of Esther's neighbor and

were then loaded into a waiting truck organized by the FCC as a sign of sympathy. transported to the Lesaneng cattle station where Ben resides. On the way to Lesaneng, Esther told the driver to come back because she did not want to go to Lesaneng

"That left the driver with no choice but to return to the Tatitown Police Station where he unloaded the properties. of Marman in the presence of the police officers. "Some police officers told Ms.gi that the police were providing Marman with food for the suspects locked up in the police cells because she did not want to see them. had no food or money to buy food.

"We do not know if it is bathing we do not have any bath facilities here. is obviously not auspicious for us and disrupts our daily operations. "One of Esther's parents who remains in Bluetown has agreed to give her shelter. Before arriving, a truck had just hauled some of Esther's belongings to Bluetown and just loaded those that were left, "says the source.

Asked about Marman's dilemma, the commander of the police station from Tatitown sent Mmegi back to the president.

The customary court president also referred Mmegi to the FCC authorities saying that they were better able to talk about the issue because they knew her from the beginning At the end, when we contacted him to comment, Ben Marman confirmed that he was indeed still married to Esther in the property community. "I know that she was compensated with more than 200,000 pesos, but I do not know how she used that money. She used the money alone. I am still shocked by what is happening because even in 2011, the FCC authorities did not want me to comment as my wife's husband when plans were underway to relocate her from our former conspiracy. It is better that you ask the board authorities what has happened because they are better placed to answer your questions, "said the ex-husband.

He added that his home had been demolished by the FCC authorities.

Botshe Mathodi, FCC Assistant Secretary of Finance and Administration, confirmed the deportation of Marman from his airfield property.

She added that the municipality had followed all the procedures to deport him. "The council has long obtained an order from the court to expel Esther from her plot and she was subsequently conspired and compensated accordingly after an badessment to determine the value of her property was made," said Mathodi. question of why the woman was compensated in the absence of her husband while they were married in a community of property, Mathodi explained that "Ben told us that it would be difficult for him to come regularly to Francistown to complete the compensation and other accidental process because he was now living full time at the beef, from which his wife received compensation in his absence, "explained Mathodi . On the evening of Wednesday, Ms. Gi went to the Tatitown Police Station and found out that Marman had moved all of his property to Bluetown.

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