Former Drug Management Officer Admits Victim of Opioid Cost Reduction Scheme


    Former Drug Management Officer Admits Victim of Opioid Cost Reduction Scheme

BOSTON – A former director of opioid sales admitted to having participated in a plot to bribe doctors for that they prescribe a highly addictive fentanyl vaporizer.

Alec Burlakoff pleaded guilty Wednesday in Boston federal court. Prosecutors said the former vice president of sales at Insys Therapeutics had agreed to cooperate with them in the closely followed case that was targeting leaders of the Chandler, Arizona-based company, whose founder billionaire John Kapoor.

Insys executives are accused of paying bribes to doctors wishing to write a large number of prescriptions of the powerful drug Subsys, intended for cancer patients suffering from intense pain.

Prosecutors said bribes were disguised as speech fees for events billed as an opportunity for other doctors to become familiar with the drug.

Kapoor and several other defendants face a trial in January.

Status: More than 1,500 opioid-related deaths in 2018 up to now.

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