FOX Sports Women Host Third Annual Leadership Series


Saturday, Women of FOX Sports staged its third annual edition of the series 'Leadership Series'. designed to encourage more women to pursue careers in the sports industry.

The event hosted nearly 60 college student-athletes and recent graduates from more than 25 universities.

Participants participated in a business training and interview with a FOX Sports recruiter. They were able to participate in two exclusive panels featuring managers of local sports organizations and sportswomen. The day ended with a visit to FOX Sports Studios.

"Women are underrepresented in sports sales positions across the country, especially at the highest levels of leadership," said Lindsay Amstutz, FOX Sports West's SVP / GM. "This annual event is designed to encourage women to consider pursuing careers in the sales field, and provide them with a sales experience that they would not have had otherwise."

"Last Saturday was one of our most productive and engaging events," added Rachel Grushkin, director of RSN Marketing, who helps lead the event. "Every year, we are fortunate to provide some inspiration and sales training, and to allow current FOX Sports employees to give back. It is so satisfying to help fill the pipeline with fantastic candidates, and watch these women find careers in which they will thrive. "

Since the inaugural event, five participants have been hired in full-time sales roles with FOX Sports, and almost ten have been hired as trainees.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 3rd Annual Leadership Series: Sales Career Event Today. What a day of inspiration, incredible women. For all participants, we look forward to working with you! #SheIsFOXSports #WomenInSalesRock

– She is FOX Sports (@sheisfoxsports) June 24, 2018

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