Government Welcomes $ 241 Million Beitbridge Project


  million. Loud Ramakgapola

M. Loud Ramakgapola

Thupeyo Muleya, Beitbridge Bureau
ZIMBABWEANS congratulated the government for launching the border infrastructure and modernization project in Beitbridge, the busiest in the country and for sADC.

President Mnangagwa officiated last week at a grand opening ceremony at the Port of Entry to lay the groundwork for its modernization into a world-clbad shopping center.

Some of the works of the modernization program include the construction of commercial customs offices, paving and expansion of sewers and water retention, separation of traffic by bus, light vehicles, tourists, utility vehicles and construction of a commercial bridge to connect South Africa and the key infrastructure of the municipality of Beitbridge. 19659007] Speaking at the inauguration ceremony last Wednesday, President Mnangagwa said The Beitbridge Border Post will improve the ease of doing business, boost revenue collection and boost international trade.

In separate interviews, travelers, business people and other stakeholders said that the transformation of the border was long overdue. The clerk, Mr. Loud Ramakgapola, said; "The Beitbridge border is the gateway to the Indian Ocean and Africa.It is the face of Zimbabwe.

" We are pleased that the government at the level of the President has taken a keen interest in the city and the tone of the government that we will shine as a municipality. "commend the modernization of the border crossing and infrastructure support of the Municipality of Beitbridge."

Mr. Ramakgapola He said that roads, sewers and water retention facilities were among the priority programs of local authorities, although financial constraints were obstacles, and said that the city was growing rapidly. they needed to expand and modernize the road network and modernize sewer and water infrastructure.

"Government support for infrastructure development is a welcome relief. Modernization will help improve our infrastructure and bring development to the city, "Ramakgapola said.

Beitbridge chapter president of local carriers, Osbert Shumba, said the new order will help decongest The border "This would clear the border and allow for smooth vehicle traffic without mixing commercial truck drivers with the rest of the travelers."

"In addition, we look forward to the separation and categorization of shipments, particularly in dangerous and dangerous areas, transit trucks and local trucks. You will also note that the modernization will restore the confidence of most carriers who are currently avoiding Zimbabwe as a transit country because of delays at the border and this has hit us hard because people have lost their jobs and the clearing agents . Shumba

He urged the government to also look at personnel deployments at the border crossing to ensure that all stakeholders are operating at full capacity.

million. Nkululeko Milidi, president of Beitbridge Business Association (BBA), said

The mayor of the city, councilor Showa Moyo, said:

"This initiative will create more jobs for our residents who will be engaged for different activities under the modernization program. "

million. Benjamin Muleya said that the employment of local residents should be a priority as part of the border expansion initiative and that local businesses should be c considered for others. auxiliary services.

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