Interview with Robert Zemeckis: Welcome to Marwen


Robert Zemeckis has made dozens of iconic films, including Back to the future, Forrest Gump, and castaway. His most recent project is Welcome to Marwen. It stars Steve Carell as Mark Hogancamp, an artist who is trying to rebuild his life after a major trauma.

Screen Rant: First, Mr. Zemeckis, remarkable work on this film. You captured Mark's world, both worlds, I thought perfectly. Tell me about some of the challenges you have faced. Because I heard that during the first tests, it was very difficult to make the figures.

Robert Zemeckis: Agreement. Well, I thought it would be a perfect example to use performance capture. And the key to– the difficulties we've had with performance capture since its inception was to really capture the power and emotion of human performance. And it was vital in this story. Because each of these dolls is an alter ego of a human actor. It's in the movie. So we did a lot of research and development and a lot of testing to make sure that it affected the performance of the dolls. That it is the very essence of this human actor who has gone through.

Screen Rant: And this kind of work has a little different, because it's mostly in post-production that we start doing VFX and other things. I've heard that you did it at the beginning of the movie, is that right?

Robert Zemeckis: Yes, we tested a lot at the beginning of the film. Movies are complicated nowadays. We do something called previz, which consists of arranging the whole movie using the preview. Which is a bit like making the entire movie as a small animation film. And then we shot all the stuff of the real action. And then we ended up filming all the performance capture things. So that was our process.

Screen Rant: Steve Carell is amazing in this. And he perfectly captures Mark Hogancamp. Tell me about what Steve brought to this performance, what you saw in him, when you started talking to him about it.

Robert Zemeckis: Yes. Steve was my first and only choice. Because I knew that I needed someone who was a great comedy actor and who then had very good actors. And Steve was doing the job perfectly. Because he also has a lot of empathy and that he has the quality of every man. And so, I knew that he could play the swagger and comedy of the alter ego doll. And then, be able to really shoot our hearts when it's time to play this damaged human character.

Screen Rant: A big part of his performance in his eyes, and you can only sympathize with almost everything he's going through. Can you tell me a bit about the other cast of Marwen in general? The casting we have in Marwen.

Robert Zemeckis: I have a fantastic cast. And these are just these big women. The women of Marwen. I had Leslie Mann and Janelle Monáe and Merritt Weaver and Gwendoline Christie and Eiza González and Diane Kruger. I had such a gigantic casting of big women. They are fantastic in this movie.

Screen Rant: Can you tell me about the challenges posed by Mark's real photos? About giving them life and what attracted you to this project?

Robert Zemeckis: Yes. Well, what I liked in the story, well, I thought that the story was a story full of hope. And I thought it was the triumph of the human spirit and the healing power of the art. But what I thought was something that only a movie could do, and a film could do it in the most perfect way, was to be able to tell the story between Mark's photos. Report this story that was happening in his living spirit between the photos. And I thought it's something you can really only do in a movie.

Screen Rant: You have perfectly captured it. Thank you very much, Mr. Zemeckis.

Robert Zemeckis: Thank you very much. L & # 39; enjoy.

More: Interview with Steve Carell for Welcome to Marwen

Key release dates

  • Welcome to Marwen (2018) release date: Dec 21, 2018

welcome to marwen

Interview with Steve Carell: welcome to Marwen

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