iOS App Store now allows you to view the history of your app purchases [updated: iTunes too]


It looks like small changes are starting to happen. A few of our Twitter followers have sent us photos of a new feature for the App Store on their iPhone that allows them to see the recent purchase of their app. The application allows you to view not only what you have purchased, but also the applications not installed on the iOS device you are currently using.

Now, I'm not sure about most people, but I find myself sharing apps with some of my friends who recently bought an iPhone. Being an iPhone user since the release of the first model, I downloaded a ton of apps, but I do not remember all of them when a friend asks me what apps they should try. This new feature, while incredibly simple, could prove particularly useful in many circumstances.

And you? Do you and your friends share apps?

(photo sent by the user Twitter Omar_Almaary)

update: the change has also been reflected in the iTunes application. Twitter user bacichon sent photos to show that you can now download previous iTunes music purchases to your phone.

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