France has just won the FIFA World Cup for the second time in its history, 10 years after being a host and won for the first time in 1998. The World Cup trophy FIFA called it the 1945 Jules. The Rimet Trophy was named after the French football administrator who was the 3rd president of FIFA; He served from 1921 to 1954. He served for 33 years as the oldest President of FIFA. He was also president of the French Football Federation from 1919 to 1942. At the initiative of Rimet, the first FIFA World Cup was held in 1930; The Jules Rimet Trophy was named in his honor. It is therefore not surprising that the acronym FIFA stands for International Federation of Football Association. With the exception of host country Russia, the 210 eligible national teams entered the preliminary competition; with the exception of Zimbabwe and Indonesia who were disqualified even before playing their first matches. Zimbabwe was expelled for not paying his former coach a severance package, and Indonesia following his suspension by FIFA.
There is consensus that this year's World Cup has been the best lately. The usual crowd problems that characterize this tournament have been kept to a minimum, and for the first time in many years, hooliganism has not made headlines. I'm sure most hooligans, including the ultras, had read Vladimir Putin's brief biography and came to the conclusion that Putin himself was co-author of "The Idiot's Guide to the World". abuse of human rights ". They were not ready to take their chances with him; especially when Putin had invested so much to show Russia as a loving and welcoming nation. We all know how badly the doom merchants have been in the race for the biggest show in the world; ranging from racism, kidnapping, homophobia, terrorism and doping scandals. Putin would not allow hooligans to get in the way of reconstructive surgery of the national image. Everything has pbaded with a relatively pleasant atmosphere that you can only badociate with a Brazilian carnival. Thank you, Mr Putin, the Russian Football Federation and the people of Russia. SPASIBA. Google it.
I just remembered; France won the 2018 World Cup. We all saw the happy scenes that followed the victory all over France. Interestingly, the celebrations were not limited to France alone. The majority of Africa and its supporters rooted for France to win, thanks to the complexion of the French team; who had no less than 15 players with African DNA in their team of 23 men. Phew. And you wonder why many people, especially of African descent, were celebrating as if Botswana had won the World Cup? There were many jokes about Africa winning the World Cup . The last time I checked 5 teams were representing Africa; I mean geographically. None of these teams went to the second stage. We have all witnessed that, by no fault of their own, but intoxicated by the twin diseases of complacency and a serious lack of professionalism, Senegal and Nigeria managed to extricate themselves from the war [2]. The rest is history.
There is no doubt that Africa had high hopes for this tournament and with good reasons though. This was especially after the performance of Nigeria's Musa Oboe and Senegal's team effort. That said, Africa had no commercial interest in the rest of the World Cup, since Argentina and Colombia have actually managed to stifle any semblance of participation from our representatives. who by reputation were not even at the races this year. This was not the issue of eliminated African teams. What was painful to bear was that Senegal and Nigeria were at best able to progress, but they managed to eliminate defeat or elimination out of the clutches of victory. That was what was painful, and that's what bounced the continent off. It is therefore no wonder that people have tackled the success of the France team, qualifying this African team. People like Obama, Trevor Noah and many others have not missed the opportunity to remind France that Africa won the World Cup for France . I get the joke, but nothing can be further from the truth.
France won the World Cup with French players. They can be born in the darkest part of Africa. Their creator may have lavished melanin supply on them. They can have African names and everything else. The essential thing is that, it is French citizens and that they have played for and represented France and its inhabitants. Despite the jokes, ironies, jokes and paradoxes that the World Cup has provoked, there is a serious underbelly to all this. France having won the World Cup with so many talents of African descent, it should be seen as a message about the value and benefits of diversity. " Without diversity life would be very boring." "We must give ourselves the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our [19459109] diversity We must give ourselves space so that we can both give and receive things as beautiful as ideas, openness, dignity, joy, healing, and inclusion . "(Martin Luther King)
This should tell us that when we value and focus on what binds us together, what separates us, we can achieve a common goal for the good of all, this should be seen as a message to the rest of the world, especially when we have Donald Trump, a son of an immigrant to the United States, who demonizes diversity and canonizes segregation.It was perhaps a good thing that the United States does not participate in this year's World Cup. you imagine what his Twitter message would have like in his congratulatory message s to President Macron from France? No, it is not the construction of the wall. He would have admitted that Russia has interfered or attempted to influence the results of the world cup world. And that would have been a first.
What makes this symbolically important victory is the backdrop of the tournament itself. The victory took place in a country that has a turbulent history of racism and diversity. France has been one of the countries that proudly preaches integration but practices laws that prohibit individuals' individuality; as if you were trying to shake your hand with clenched fists. We have the Brexit enigma that was largely bad fed on an immigration scheme. While others try to see diversity is an art of thinking independently, others see it as an excuse for the return of fascism. If there is anything to gain from victory for France, it is that we can have different religions, different skin colors, different languages, but we all belong to one human race. ( Kofi Annan) .
Here is a short lesson in history. Africa has been forced to host many European nations. This period was called slavery, which turned into colonialism. We were told that we needed God in our lives and as a continent; we were totally bankrupt in civilization. Some came with the bad, others with the Bible. So we were told to close our eyes and kneel to pray. When we opened our eyes, we had the Bible in our hands and they had the earth; Magic. Some decided to stay and never thought of leaving. They called badimilation. Others decided to stay, but knew that they had to leave one day. They called it divide and conquer. And now you wonder why Africa won the World Cup for France? No, Africa has not done. France has shown us what diversity can bring to a nation; if we all try to exploit the finer parts. The strength lies in the differences, not in the similarities. The victory however has a touch of African flavor. But no, Africa has not won the World Cup for France. Diversity won the World Cup.
Regardless, He returns home …… .not until ……