It's time DCEC go against the target 20, 000 rotten


Over the years, our educational system has always been focused on teaching and has banished multitudes of Batswana who have failed junior certificate education. The majority of these unfortunates cheat on the streets with a dark future. They end up forced into junior jobs in which they are paid as low as P800 per month. If these people had craft skills, they could earn between 7,000 and 20,000 pesos a month. Therefore Target 20,000 has been introduced to address this skills shortage in the country. However, the program has been consumed by greed that is a standard and prevalent in the public service. Some people from this ministry and some corrupt institutions have started to loot the government coffers. The Commercial and Economic Crime Branch (DCEC) should act against such people who have put their pockets in pockets with ill-gotten funds.

We learn that there was this woman who made it a sordid operation. She and her parent in this ministry call corrupt owners of institutions and negotiate the number of students that will be given to them and how much they will get in exchange. This is how the students were affected, and in fact, the parent would make agreements with the institutions in exchange for his influence on his boss.

The guilty have made millions of Pula in this corrupt manner of businessmen also corrupt. At first, the program almost collapsed because there was no funds for it and

they were forced to ask for money from the Development Council of the Human Resources (HRDC), but the board refused

. how quotas for students have been allocated. They were also tired of the clbades that were offered. The council asked if there were any essential skills to address the skills shortage in order to foster the growth of the economy.

A committee was set up to distribute the students, but this woman and her parent had already. We are talking about more than 10,000 students who have been badigned to certain institutions. Despite the program was suspended.

Hundreds of millions of Pulas went down the drain because people went on to upgrade their skills in courses that the economy did not need. The other thing is that everything has been done so that schools that have bribes to these people are accredited. The Botswana Qualifications Authority (BQA) has been in a hurry to help them get accreditation.

It should be noted that these schools have received students before being accredited for the courses that they said they want to offer. They were given students before they had unheard-of infrastructure and human resources. So we are asking DCEC to do its job and investigate the rot and catch those big fish.

The thought of today

"Time will inevitably discover dishonesty and lies, history has no place for them. "

– Norodom Sihanouk

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